Me, Myself, and I

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Normally, I'd write something in here. Something to show how angry and hurt I feel. A year has passed since then, but the pain is still there. The wound isn't as sharp as it was when it formed, but a scar now marks the spot. And this scar is deep inside me, a place nobody can get to. That's what's left of what that treacherous user did to me. Time has passed, true, but the memory of the love that covered the lies remains. I don't think I can ever forget about it, nor would I want to.

So I talk about it, therefore remembering it. By remembering it, I remind myself how dangerous people like them are and why. And by reminding myself of that disaster, I teach myself to ensure that it never happens again. Because I made the mistake of believing them, and I suffered for it as a result. That's gonna be my lifetime lesson.

Back to what I was saying, normally I'd write something in here. But I recently found this song that accurately encapsulates the words I'd write down here. It's funny, it's a song that came out in my early years but I only learned about it now in my adulthood. I won't spoil it, I'll just let the song do the talking for me. Here we go.

I have nothing more to say today. This is my message.

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