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My alt accounts feed

Jesus c h r I s t

It's so cringey please help me escape this h e l l


*cries* small update on Ouma's wife

There is another self shipper who is dating


Like I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone with this or you feel like I'm being an ass
But come on

They don't stop

It just hurts me to see in my feed...

The Ouma wife said in a post that she used him as an escape from reality.

This is my problem. If you're resulting in using a fictional character to escape from the hardships of life, see a therapist. I know, that's harsh. It sounds rude and shit but.... Honestly?? It's unhealthy. Like, extremely unhealthy. Their are other ways to escape. Poetry, art, writing, music! That's all healthy! But creating this fantasy life where you live and want to have kids with a fictional character is NOT healthy. I'm truthfully just concerned for them. They encourage each other! There's a fine line between healthy and unhealthy, and the three of them are way over it. Well at least Ouma Wife is. Have I mentioned her s m u t book with Ouma?.... And that she calls him Oumy. I could go on a whole other long ass rant, but I won't. I've said enough as is.

But, I know a few of you know who I'm talking about, and I'm not trying to attack them. It just- I need to rant about it. I'm not trying to shame them, I'm just voicing my concerns publically, and trying to give a PSA that, not everyone wants to see it. I wouldn't care if it wasn't so constant and so... Big

Like seriously, Ouma's Wife has what, 4 books with her and him? Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't really read her stuff is its in my feed.

Sorry, I'll stop now.

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