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Y'know, I tell myself I'm going to bed but then I make these random ass posts
For no reason
Cause I feel poetic
And I still never wrote that essay >:0

My dreams are full of starry skies
But alas, those skies are far away,
And my arms cannot bend in such ways
To reach above me and clutch those stars,
For,my stars are dreams,
That dream being

You make my heart flutter at the mention of your name,
My chest aches for your comfort.
You are my everything I can never reach,
For you are but a dream.

Perhaps dreams are meant to be untouchable,
For humans never can tell what is a lie and what isn't,
But I'm certain you are not fake,
My sweet, sweet dream.

One day I'm certain we will meet,
Maybe in a silly scenario or not
But till we meet my precious dream,
I shall sleep.

I will hold my hand up to the sky,
Waiting for the day we can say hello,
For you are but a dream,
And me?

I am asleep...

Good night you adorable human!
And everyone else-

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