The team hurries to Weren 2269

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By the next morning, the team was ready to leave for the wormhole. The only problem they were facing was that the fuel was not enough. Even if they managed to escape Earth, they won't be able to go that fast. "Any ideas 'commander'?" asked Mr. Terri.

"Umm... Yeah" replied Naman. "The people from the International Space Station will leave using the escape pod. Whatever fuel is left in the ISS, we can use that to speed up"

"Good idea" said Mr. Terri.

"Then prepare to launch; we will remotely control the functions of the ISS from the HQ"

The team of 3 easily took off and reached the ISS and the fuel transfer was also carried out smoothly; no problems. The team the hurried to go to Sandrome where Shenyl was staying all alone.

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