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Keith might have gotten hurt on a mission and Lance gets worried. Happy fluff.
Team Voltron has just finished freeing another planet from the galra empire and was starting to hard back to the castle, when a fighter ship that they must have missed started shooting.
Before they even noticed it, it had hit Keith.
His lion had stopped moving and the intercom went dead.
Lance felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach and swell up with fear.
"Keith?" He called out.
"Keith!" More urgently this time, trying to keep his voice from cracking.
"Keith?!?" Still no answer.
Meanwhile the fighter ship was still shooting and Lance's fear turned to anger.
How dare they try to hurt Keith.
He turned his lion around and quickly took the ship out, then turned his attention to Keith.
He got close enough to the red lion to see that a fuse was blown in the back, which must have been what caused the intercom to stop working.
Lance stayed with Keith until the others got the castle close enough to where Lance could push Keith's lion into the hangar.
Once they were inside the castle, Red's mouth opened and Keith walked out and over to Lance, who was already jogging towards him.
Lance picked Keith up into a hug, spin him around, and then set Keith down in front of himself, just a little closer than necessary.
Keith laughed. "Why were you so worried? I'm fine. It was just a communication error." He said with a small smile on his face.
But Lance was too busy thinking about how cute Keith looked and how happy he was that he was ok and how much he wanted to kiss that little smile, to even think about answering Keith's question.
They were so close. It would be so easy for Lance to just lean down a little and press his lips to Keith's.
He slightly started leaning down.
"Lance, are you-"
Keith was cut off with Lance's lips landing on his.
He was definitely surprised, but wrapped his arms around Lance's neck as Lance snaked his around Keith's waist.
They pulled away with smiles on their faces and rested their foreheads together.
Then they heard applause and cat calls coming from the one and only Pidge, and looked over to see the rest of the team and Allura and Coran smiling supportively.
Keith pressed another kiss to Lance's lips and removed his arms from around Lance's neck to grab his hands instead.
"So that's why you were so worried, huh?" He smirked, causing Lance to blush. "Shut up, mullet."
Keith let out a small laugh. "You're such a dork."
"But I'm your dork."
"Yes you are." He said as they kissed again.

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