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Keith and lance are roommates and friends and maybe they'll be something more.
I looked around the hallway, trying to find room 203. I saw teenagers pass by me as I walked, some in their flight suits and others in regular clothes. I felt as if they were sizing me up. After all, I was a freshman at an extremely prestigious junior flight school. It was for kids who wanted to explore space and be able to fly a spaceship, and it was very hard to get into. And I, being a foster kid, was here on scholarship.
I ducked my head and continued looking for my room.
"200, 201, 202, 20- ah here it is", I muttered to myself.
I knocked on the door and hoped my roommate wouldn't be completely intolerable.
A Hispanic boy with brown hair and shockingly blue eyes opened the door.
"You must be my roommate. I'm Lance." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Keith."
He stepped aside and closed the door behind me.
I was greeted with a room with a twin bed on either side, a very small kitchen consisting of a mini fridge and a microwave, and a door that I assumed led to a bathroom.
I sat on the bed opposite to Lance and put my suitcase down beside me.
"So I guess we should get to know each other?" He said. I nodded.
"What do you want to know?"
"Um...what's your favorite color?"
I laughed at the simplicity of the question but obliged.
"Red. Your's?"
"How old are you?" I asked.
"Fifteen. And you?"
"Any siblings?"
"Oh. I have five." He laughed and I couldn't help but notice how pretty his smile was.
We continued asking questions until I knew his last name was McClain, he was born in Miami, but his family was from Cuba, his birthday was July 28, his family was huge and he loved them more than anything, and he loved all kinds of music, but especially older bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin and the Beatles.
Before I knew it, the sun had gone down and we realized that we had missed dinner.
Lance just happened to have a bag of microwaveable popcorn in his suitcase, so we popped it and I supplied a chocolate bar to our makeshift dinner.
It was one of the nicest nights I'd had in awhile.

The next day we decided to explore the school, since classes didn't start until Monday.
I took a quick shower and pulled on a black t shirt and jeans and a pair of vans.
When I came out of the bathroom, I found Lance holding one of my jackets.
"What is this? Where's the rest of it?"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed it and put in back in my dresser.
I headed for the door and Lance hurried out next to me, but he didn't drop the subject.
"Seriously. How is that supposed to keep you warm? It goes down to like your ribs."
"Shut up." I playfully hit his arm, not expecting the simple act to send a jolt of electricity through my body.
I just looked away as I felt my face heat up.
We kept walking until we found a lounge with couches and tvs and a few pool tables. There were a few dozen kids spread about in the room.
"Come on, let's go make friends." Lance grabbed my arm and dragged me towards two kids. One of them was a boy with a yellow headband wrapped around his head and a bag of chips, and the other had brown-blonde hair and glasses.
"Hey"., the second person said as we came over.
"I'm Pidge and this is Hunk." He waved with his free hand and continued chewing.
"I'm Keith and this is Lance." I said, pointing to the brown haired boy, who I noticed was still holding my arm.
"Nice to meet you guys. You're Freshman, right?"
We nodded.
"You guys too?"
"Yeah." Hunk spoke up, having finally finished his chips. "And before you ask, Pidge goes by they and them so-"
Pidge smacked the side of his head and rolled their eyes.
"I could have told them. But yeah like he said, they them pronouns please."
We both nodded again. It was nice to see that there was a diverse group of people here and that they seemed to be be pretty accepting. It was a nice change from middle school where saying "that's so gay" was used negatively all the time.
"Keith, you ok?" Lance gently shook my shoulder.
"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking."
Hunk cleared his throat.
"I say we should play some pool. Pidge and me against you two?"
"You're on!" Lance exclaimed with a mischievous smirk. I laughed as we headed over to a table and began the game.

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