Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

“Who wants some Gu?” Otis called out over the bodies lying in the grass around his feet. He held up a cardboard box filled with energy bars and gels. He shook the container, but it made no sound. Sighing, he tucked it under his arm and dug out a handful, waving it in the air. “C’mon, people, you need to fuel your bodies!”

Charlie said, “I’ll take a couple of those bars, O.”

“You just drank a bottle of Enduro-LiQuid,” Mac said. “How many times have I told you, separate your sports drinks and energy foods, and that should keep you in the right carbs per hour range.”

“So wait an hour before you scarf this,” Otis said, tossing a bar to Charlie. “And drink your water.” 

Charlie said, “When I’m kickin’ down it’s after I’m done and washed up that I’m ready to eat a horse. Or a cow. Maybe just a couple of burgers.” 

Frankie rolled over on her side toward Dante, who was sprawled next to her on the grass. “Did you hear that, D? Charlie washes!”

Charlie flicked his finger at Frankie and turned his back. MaToya said to him, “The thing is, Charlie, when you ride at home, it’s after school, or on the weekend. On this tour you’re doing the long haul, even though we have rest days built in, it’s still way more than even your training sked. You need to listen to your body or you’ll bonk.” She tossed him a gel packet. “Trust me on this one, Charlie. Hey, I didn’t steer you wrong on the gear, and now look how stylin’ you are, with your matching kit and so fine looking!”

Frankie snorted. “Considering Bike Haven is sponsoring the trip, he had to wear the store kit!”

“Yeah, lucky for him he found matching baggies,” Dante said.

Charlie looked over his shoulder at Dante and Frankie. “Don’t you ladies have anything to talk about other than my shorts?” Turning to Mac, he said, “Hey, Skater, how’s the ride?”

Mackenzie was leaning against a tree, her head back, eyes closed. She was lost in thought, mulling over the dream she’d had on the bus, and Grady, her father, and her flying bike. It’d all gotten mixed up together and swirled around her brain, weaving in and out between questions that had no answers.

“Did you say something?”

“Fine. Be that way. I was just curious.” 

“No, seriously, I wasn’t paying attention,” Mac said. “What did you say to me?”

Charlie sighed, trying to decide whether to attempt conversation. “I just wanted to know how the RC is on the road.”

“Forget it. We’ve been through this.” Mac leaned her head back on the tree and retreated into her thoughts.

“I wasn’t angling, Mac. I really want to know if you feel a difference.”

Mackenzie opened her eyes and studied Charlie. She didn’t trust him, but since she and Frankie had made the kindness pact, decided to answer. “The difference is huge. I feel like I’m riding on air. The only weight I’m carrying is my own. It’s like…there’s no metal under me, nothing to drag me down. It’s like,” she paused, “it’s like I’m flying.” She looked down, realizing what she was describing. Even though Charlie wouldn’t know that, she blushed.

“Cool. That’s so totally cool.” Charlie said, walking away.

Frankie frowned and looked at Dante and Mac. Mac shrugged and whispered, “Maybe it’s working?”

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