Chapter 29

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Lizzy's POV

Have you ever felt so much pain that suddenly you become numb? That's how I felt right now. Numb. I don't know when Ben packed our bags or said goodbye to his grandparents or how I got into his car. But somehow all of those things happened and I have absolutely no recollection of it.

My phone rang and looked at who was calling and it said it was my mom. I was actually wondering why she would call me this early since I spoke to her last night.

"Hey, mom." I said as soon and I hit accept.

But I didn't recognize the male voice that spoke. "Hello? Hi. There was just a car accident and I found this phone at the scene and called the last outgoing number."

My heart stopped and my voice caught in my throat. "Accident? What are you talking about? I spoke to her last night."

"I'm sorry I don't really know the details but I saw three ambulances speeding away from here. The car was totaled. Probably taking all three of them to Howard Hospital." Three? Cameron and Mckenna were with her.

My head started to ache and I just hung up the phone. I quickly dialed Cameron's number but it went straight to voicemail, "Hey, this is Cameron...." I pressed end.


Now here I was sitting in the car and Ben was literally going 30 mph above the speed limit to hurry back to town. The worst thoughts were going through my head. Literally the worst feeling after having the nightmare last night of my biological family and now this was really happening to my adoptive family. My little sister. My worst nightmare was coming back to life. Gosh, what would happen if I lost them all...again. I would probably have to live with my dad. I tried to shake those terrible thoughts from my mind. I haven't cried this much in so long it felt like I was going to cry myself into sickness.

I stopped sobbing, but tears continued to freely flow down my face. I noticed Ben glancing over at me every thirty seconds to check on me. His free hand held onto mine the entire drive there as he tried to reassure me that they were all okay.

When we got to the emergency department we quickly approached the reception desk area which had a plump woman with glasses seated behind a computer screen.

"Hi, we are looking for the West family." Ben ran his free hand through his hair and still held onto my hand tightly with his other. "They should have been brought in about an hour or so."

The woman typed away at the computer and said, "Ah...yes the West's. Are you the relative?" She said to Ben.

"No, I am." My voice shook as I spoke.

The woman just stared at me blankly. "I saw them being brought in. I could have sworn the family was...uh..white..." I couldn't believe the nonsense I was hearing right now.

"What kind of bullshit is this?" Ben's voice was seething with rage. "Just let us through!"

"I'm sorry. I can't allow just anybody into the emergency rooms unless they are related to the patients." She eyed me with her glasses rested at nearly the tip of her nose.

"Screw you." Ben boldly walked past the desk, taking me with him.

"Hey! You can't go back there! I'm calling security!" She screeched.

"You're going to hell one day." I calmly told the woman as Ben pulled me past her.

The sound of our footsteps echoed down the hallway. We were trying to dodge security so we walked quickly throughout the emergency room peering into each room and my heart felt like it was going beat right out of my chest.

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