four: people ain't no good

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The feeling of a wet cloth being placed on Iris's forehead woke her from her sleep with a start. In front of her sat Ada Shelby, who looked about as startled as Iris felt.

"Bloody hell, you gave me a fright." Ada said with a skittish edge to her voice.

Iris's right eye could hardly open due to its vicious swelling, and the events of last night suddenly hit her like a train. "How's Tommy?"

Ada hesitated. "He's not too good, Iris. Cracked ribs by the look of it, and his face is all busted up. Your mother wants him to stay in yours, says he's too fragile to move next door just yet. He's in your sister's old room"

Iris let out a sigh of relief. "So he'll live?"

Ada nodded enthusiastically.

Iris tried to sit up but Ada ushered her back down. "You're on bed rest, I'm afraid. Your mother's orders."

Iris groaned in frustration. "Bloody why? I only got hit in the face!"

Ada shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe she doesn't want you to see Thomas. But I'm not going to get on the wrong side of Fleur Salt, so please stay in bed, Iris."

Iris smiled and nodded. She loved Ada as though she was her own sister. Iris beckoned Ada closer with a twitch of her neck. "How's you and Freddie, then?"

Ada's face blushed a deep red. "What?"

"Come off it, Ada. Tell me!"

Ada kicked the door shut and sat back down, her face grinning already. "We kissed at the wedding."

Iris squealed. "I'm so pleased!"

Ada hugged Iris. "I really love him, Iy. I just wish the boys wouldn't be so protective. They almost beat up a boy they saw me walking home with the other week."

"You're just 15, Ada. They will become more lenient as you get older." She paused. "Hopefully."

Ada rolled her eyes. "Yeah, hopefully."

She stood up and began playing with Iris' blonde hair in fascination.

"I bet it's a fucking mess," Iris muttered as she ushered Ada away self-consciously. She was still filthy from the altercation last night, even though someone had changed her from the dress she had worn.

Ada shrugged. "No, not really. You can get up at 4 if ya want, your mother's going out then."

Iris looked at the clock. It was 3 in the afternoon. "I've slept the whole bloody day away."

"You were exhausted. From what we were told, it sounded very eventful."

Iris froze then. One thing she had failed to remember was the gunshot she fired last night. Perhaps her mind had blocked it out. "What were you told, exactly?"

Ada hesitated. "Everything, I think. That you got jumped and then, well, yo-"

Iris cut her off then, not wanting Ada to say the words. "Right... You heard anything from the Diggy boys?"


Iris shifted uncomfortably. A tremendous wave of guilt was pressing itself onto her chest and she felt as though she may scream. "Ade, you wouldn't mind leaving me, would ya? My head feels like it's just split in half, I'm going to have a little kip."

Ada immediately obliged. "See you later, Iris."
As soon as Ada walked out, Iris immediately began sobbing. The image of Robert Ewing crumpling to the floor was spinning around her mind and her eyes. She felt sick. Iris ran to the sink that was opposite her bed and retched and retched, but she hadn't eaten in hours so her stomach was utterly barren.

broken toy soldier { tommy shelby } UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now