The Mysterious Hooded Figure

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A heavy blow connected with my Adam's apple, and fell forward suddenly, coughing profusely. I looked up from the ground, clutching my throat and found myself staring up at a belly, and a cloud of smoke.

In my mind, I swore like a sailor. This was it. I was just destined for doom tonight, wasn't I? Domino's idiots loomed over me, Kingpin and the Blob. The grinned at me with their horrid gray and yellow teeth. I could smell the horrid halitosis from the ground. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. I shifted slightly to see them still just standing there, staring at me. It seemed as if Domino had finally caught up with me. It was time for me to face the music.

"Well, it looks like you caught me." I said stretching my hands out towards them. "Do your worst you fiendish fiends!"

"Hehe, looks like we caught you huh?" The Blob smiled down at me

"Uh, yeah, I literally just said that. Now come on, be good little henchmen and take me away to your evil boss."

"Hehe guess it's the end of the line for you now runner, huh?"

"Yes Blob, we've been over this. Take me away." My arms were still outstretched

"Hehe we're gonna take you in to Domino you know, huh?"

"Oh my gosh, Kingpin, hey King. Could you, maybe, possibly speed this little process up a bit so we can get the show on the road, you think? I kinda want to get this over with." As if I wasn't even speaking, he just stood there, smoking his malodorous pipe. "Um, helooo, Kingpin? Kingy, Kingy? Piny Piny?" Nope, he just stood there. I sighed and was about to get up when sharp, quick slices were heard throughout the air around us. Suddenly, out of nowhere, arrows went flying through the air in all directions. The goons jumped up. looking like deer caught in headlights, or a cat caught in your plate. They scattered like insects and ran off screaming into the woods.

I swore again. This was just great. I escaped the goons, only to be caught by Javar. I really was destined to perish, wasn't I? Mentally preparing myself for my inevitable fate, I closed my eyes tight, so as to avoid staring death directly in the face. Still squeezing my eyes, I waited for the end, and waited, and waited. My head was starting to hurt. Slowly, I allowed myself to open them and peered up at the figure standing in front of me. From the black Nike sneakers, to the dark gray sweatpants, followed by a tar black hoodie- wait a minute. That wasn't what Javar was wearing, it was the hooded figure who'd follow me around everywhere. Only, it wasn't hooded anymore. A hand was extended down to me, a hand with yellow nail polish. My eyes trailed upward. The cloak was down, and before me stood a girl smiling down at me with plush, cherry pink lips and chestnut hair that cascaded down her face like a waterfall. Its billowing waves framed her face perfectly, enhancing the shimmer in her caramel colored eyes. She was a picture of beauty. That is, until she stopped smiling.

Her hand started waving in my face, "Dude, are you gonna take my help or what?"

"Uh, uh- uh" of course I'll take your hand, you beautiful maiden you. I'll take your hand in marriage any day. Just say the word and I'll come in and sweep you off your feet and carry you away to the castle of your dreams, where we can live happily ever after. You know, once I regain control of my speech of course.

She rolled her eyes and reached down to help me up. "Your welcome by the way. I saved your life back there. If it weren't for me you'd have been taken away by Tweedledum and Tweedledee." I nodded, even though that fact was far from true. Now that we were on eye level, her eyes seemed even prettier. They glistened in the moonlight

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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