The Nefarious Javar

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In hindsight, running towards the white light was probably not my best idea. I mean, don't they always tell you in movies, 'don't walk towards the white light?' forget running, I ran right into the greedy palms of destruction, death, and despair, here in began the start of my downfall. I was done for. I'm also out of d-words, so let's just say I was in trouble, yeah? Because, once my eyes adjusted to the light, I found myself face to face with something that chilled me to the core. A huge signed stretched out in front of me that read, 'KEEP OUT JAVAR'S secret LAIR'. I gaped up at it for what felt like hours. In reality, it was only a few seconds because I heard a rustle in the bushes behind me and took off. I slipped around the corner of the huge purple and green building and hid in the bushes beneath a window.

The goons came barreling through the thicket. They too stopped short at the ghastly sight before them. you must think I'm exaggerating, but I can assure you I'm not. Javar is one of the most wicked, nefarious, malevolent villains there is. You're probably wondering, 'if he's so bad, then why haven't I heard of him?' Well, stupid human, that's because he's so evil, he's never been caught. his plans have never been thwarted by a superhero before. He's the most notorious supervillain in the land of the supers. There is none like him. He was the one who founded the Secret Society of the Supervillains, the SSS, along with just about any other league of villains you're familiar with. Think of the baddest bad guy you know, then multiply his badness by 3. When you're done triple it. Triple it again. Triple it once more. Find its cube, and add 1. That's how bad Javar is.

The goons stood there, gawking at the sign for a while. I idiotically snickered and their heads snapped over in my direction. I ducked further down behind the bushes and held my breath as I heard their footsteps approach my hiding place, crunch, stomp, crunch, stomp. They trod lightly over the rotting foliage on the ground. Once they walked past me I let out a sigh of relief and leaned my head back while I waited for my heart rate to slow down. This was my second close call of the day, one too many. I couldn't afford anymore.

Just then, I heard a sound that made me sit up straight, spine rigid and senses attentive. My ears picked up the sound of gears turning. I heard the whir of machinery and the steady hum of a motor. Most importantly, the sound of a strong, dark energy filled my ears.

In the old world, they called it magic. Some folks think of it as a force. The real word for it though, is energy. There are very few individuals who are able to wield this power. Fantastical creatures of all different kinds embraced their spirituality and learned to master what they believed to be magic. Experts in mind and conscious states mastered their willpower and denied their spirits so they could, in very scientific terms, master the force regarding both animate and inanimate objects. Now that we've acquired more knowledge on the way of the world, we've come to realize that it is neither a force nor some magical experience. The correct term is energy. However, despite having obtained this knowledge, we are still unable to put it to good use.

In order to truly utilize this power, one must master both the physical and the spiritual. That is the true way to use energy. There was hardly anyone in existence who could do such a thing. But there I was, sitting awestruck beneath the window of an infamous supervillain, hearing the very distinct sound of someone wielding energy. The very energy that flowed through all of our veins. The very energy that gave us powers. The energy that controlled all things in existence. That was the energy I heard emanating from the evil supervillain's lair.

I raised my head ever so slightly above the leafy fortress so that I might see through the window. It was tinted, but the light in there was so bright, I could see everything quite clearly. There was a huge cathode in the center of the room with various coils connected to it at odd angles. An anode dangled precariously from the ceiling. In the between the two, lay a giant glass case. It was bolted in place with something that looked a lot like diamond encrusted tungsten bolts. A bubbling blue-green liquid gashed from it. A strange purple gas emanated from it. The coils from the cathode lead of to a far corner of the room. They were hooked up to a very strange looking, gray contraption that was coruscating rapidly. The harsh lights coming from it were as bright as the blinding lights I had come across at the front of the building. I couldn't look at it for more than a few seconds without seeing blurry gray spots in my line of vision.

I saw a shadowy figure slowly approach the glass container in the center of the room. he wore a long, flowing purple cloak that covered half of the back of his head. It was adorned with yellow stars of various sizes. His back was turned to me and he gazed affectionately up at the steady stream of smoke billowing up from the container. Then, it all of a sudden just stopped. There was no eerier purple smoke to be seen, and no more tempestuous liquid. I could also no longer hear the energy. Everything went quiet. The man rose, tilted his head back, showing me a full view of his lustrous head of shiny, black hair and let out a groan so terribly loud and painful, I had to clutch my ears in anguish. When he finished his lamentable screams, I peered back, tentatively through the window to see him now pacing the room, back and forth, his back still turned to me.

"Why?" he asked, hands raised to the heavens, "why won't it work? I did everything right. I followed all the steps. I've conquered both my mental and spiritual state of awareness, so why won't it work? Why must the energy fail me?" his voice was deep and silky, like a bed of dark satin fibers. it had a melodious ring to it, he sounded like he'd make a great storyteller. Suddenly he stopped pacing "no! I can not allow myself to fall into such a state of depression. I simply must not stop. I can not fail. I have to rid this world of superpowers. Once and for all.

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