Chapter 1

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Ok, so before we get into this, some information:

Text like this is thoughts

text like this is normal

"Text like this is Dialogue."

Let's get started!


God, I wish this day was just over. I'm sick of school, and its only been 20 minutes.

I looked up from my sketchbook to see numbers & letters scribbled all over the board.

What the fuck is this?

I scribbled the notes down into my notebook & started spacing off again.

Soon the bell rang & I quickly got out of my desk & out to the hallway.

"Hey, Faggot." A familiar voice rang out.

I walked past him, trying to ignore him & get to my next class as quickly as possible.

"I know you heard me, you queer. Get back here."

I picked up my pace, now only 20 feet from the door to my next class.

But of course, with my luck, it failed.

He ran up in front of me, and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and slammed me into the brick wall, knocking all the air out of my lungs.

"You fucking fag. I know you heard me. Why do you think I would let you go a day without your punishment?"

I remained silent, The only noise coming from me was the wheezing of my breath as my body desperately fought to get air.

After my daily beating, I dropped to the floor in tears. Today was worse than other days. The beating hurt worse, the wheezing felt like knives in the ribs, and every breath I took I feared it would be my last. I sat there & cried until the bell rang.

As soon as the bell rang, I walked out of school, even though it was only the lunch bell.

I got to a tree, about 30 feet from the building when I collapsed.

The next time I woke up, I saw a few people standing over me, kicking me & prodding at me with sticks.

'The freaks alive! Get away before you catch the gay!" One boy called out, running away, taking everyone else with him.

As I walked home, I got lost in thought again.

They're all right.

You're a fag.

You don't deserve anyone.

No one likes you.

No one ever will.

Once I got home, I slipped up to my room, not even being noticed by my parents.

I shut & locked my door, then stepping over to my dresser, which hides all my dirty secrets.

Within the top drawer of the dresser, you could find various items such as:






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