Chapter 2

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·Chapter 2 ;

I followed the boy through different corridors , it felt like we were in a never ending maze as we went left right up , down it was confusing.

There was an uncomfortable silence as we both didn't know what to say.

Breaking the silence he asked "Hey my names James what's yours?"

I didn't answer and carried on walking I wasn't in the mood to talk the flashback still on my mind.

"Not much of a talker" he muttered before carrying on talking. "Anyway the headmaster is nice in a way he's kind of weird" he paused before carrying on"He's not like most teachers living here is not as weird as most people think they don't keep an eye on you when it's your own time" he kept on talking and to be honest I tuned out I wasn't bothered about what would happen I'd take it a day at a time.

We turned a corner and finally stopped walking he knocked on the door and waited. The door was opened by the headmaster he was a tall man and was big but not fat yet more Hench you could tell he had a sense of authority around him.

"Awh yes come in Mercy and thank you James you may go back now" the headmaster boomed.

I entered the headmaster's office to find it different to what I expected, I thought it would have a gloomy sort of room with gargoyles in every corner; instead the room had a cosy welcoming atmosphere to it.

"Ahh Mercy sit down sit down" the headmaster told me whilst he was also sitting down on his chair.

I sat down and looked around at my surroundings,behind the headmasters was trophies all lined up in a row , they were polished to an extent that it felt like you can see every pore on your skin.

The headmaster had many ornaments that represented wolves one ornament seemed to catch my eye it was of a wolf that is howling at the moon, beneath the picture there were words that was written in a language I couldn't understand before I could look into it more the head teacher spoke.

"How are you settling in I hope you do like your new room" he asked me with a smile

"Erm yes I do headmaster its a nice room" I answered hesitantly

"Please don't call me headmaster it makes me feel too old fashioned just Mr Harry will do" he told me whilst laughing.

"There's not much of a reason why I asked you too come to see me today I just to let you know about who your going to be rooming he smiled warmly

In this academy we aren't like all other boarding school we allow the sexes to mix yet if they take advantage and do the bad deeds you do know what I'm on about right?" He said flustered " anyway you'll be rooming with a guy called Callum he's a bit .." He trailed clearly troubled.

"Anyway if you need people to talk to about what happened that can be arranged" he smiled

"Erm that's okay I don't think I need it " I told him truthfully I don't feel comfortable telling people my problems its not like they can make it better.

"Apart from that I hope you've settled in okay well do come to me if you have the slightest question you may leave now but if you do want to talk about anything and I mean anything do come find me" he told me.

why do I have a feeling his not talking about my education but instead about what happened.

Thanking him I went out the office to find James waiting for me.

"Hey how was the meeting" he asked as he fell in steps with me.

Once again I ignored him and tried to find my way back to my room I didn't come here to make friends I just wanted to get through this year as quickly as possible.

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