i just want it to be you and me forever

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this is one prompt of 2017's Lutteo's Fic Week. I could only write 2 days of the week, I hope you like them, still!


PROMPT: "We both came here to buy the same movie but there is only one dvd left let's Split the cost and watch it together i have popcorn at home."


"I'm telling you I'm 100% fine, Nina. You don't need to ditch your date because of me."

"Are you sure, Luna? You just broke up with someone, Gastón and I can reschedule any other day."

"Again, that's unnecessary." Luna, at this point, had lost count of how many times she's said this the last ten minutes. Nina was her best friend in the whole world, and she loved her a lot, but she could be overbearing when she thought she needed her. "I'll just watch a movie, order pizza, maybe drink some wine and be extra fine by morning, okay?"

Her answer wasn't good enough for Nina, "so you aren't 100% fine right now?"

"That's why I said extra fine, N." She has to giggle because she can just picture her best friend trying to come up with reasons to appear on her doorstep and give her the 'there's many more fishes in the sea' pep talk. Finally, Nina sighs and she almost dances in the middle of the street because it's not a daily occurrence for her to admit defeat so quickly.

"Fine, then. What movie are you watching?"

"I was thinking of Grease, but I left that at my parents' so I'm buying another one; there's a DVD Shop four blocks away, and I'm almost there right now." She chirps into her phone, almost skipping her way to the shop.

"Too lazy to drive to your parents' house?"

"More like, too lazy to have the 'I broke up with my boyfriend that you never even met, no mom, I don't need to cry, and no dad, I don't want you to "beat him up"' talk, y'know?"

Nina laughs at her words and that cheers her up even more. It's not like she's heartbroken (because she's not, she didn't even like the dude that much, honestly) but making other people happy always made her happier, too. It felt nice to know other people smiled and laughed because of you.

"Did they even know you were dating someone?"

She snorts a "no" and almost trips on someone else's foot, apologizing profusely when she sees it's a lady carrying a baby. Nina calls for her attention thirty seconds later, "the only ones who knew were you, and Gastón by association. Oh, and Ámbar."

Nina sounds surprised at this, "you told your cousin?"

"It wasn't on my plans," she admits, cringing a little at the memory. "You know subtly isn't my forte, so really, me asking her how to dump a guy was kind of a given."

"I can't picture Ámbar giving good advice on that."

"She didn't," Luna's glad she's only a block away now, if she continued to laugh she'd either pass the shop or trip again and knock a baby off a mother's arms, "she told me to text him 'I'd rather lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating you'."

Nina's gasp makes her laugh harder, "no!"

"Yes!" by then, she's already in opening the door to enter the shop, scanning quickly were the 'musical's' section is at, "look, N, I gotta go now. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine, but we're still on for lunch. I'll pick you up at 11."

Luna hums in agreement, "that's alright. Bye, Nina, love you!" She waits until she hears a faint 'I love you too!' to hang up and turn into search mode. Five minutes later, she's looked at all the movies under the 'G' letter twice and still hasn't seen John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John anywhere. Just as she's about to give up and look for help, a guy walks her way and skims over the 'H' section and easily pulls out a copy of her movie.

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