i'm sorry if i say i need you but i don't care i'm not scared of love

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DAY THREE: "I swear if you weren't so attractive, I'd have punched you in the face nine times by now."


"Pretty please, chica delivery?"

She was ready to rip her hair off, and her boyfriend's head too.

No-one ever tells you how annoying of a guy Matteo Balsano can be when sleepy. When she accepted going to his house after school, she expected free italian food and an evening full of studying.

She had a pretty important test to take that week, plus endless homework she'd been piling up since the weekend and an essay due in less than three days, but she didn't count on a sleepy boyfriend with a cuddle obsession.

"I need to finish my school work, I told you already." He was lucky that, since he was a college guy already, he had finished his first semester before her, so he didn't have anything school related anymore.

They'd come up to his bedroom after being shoo'ed away from the kitchen by his mom. As soon as he stepped into it, he'd gone to his bed and had tried to convince her to join him there as well. She, however, still had some sense of responsibility in her to decline.

"I'm not going to stop until you agree, you know it." His face was all scrunched up in a pout, demonstrating once again his mastered puppy eyes to get her to crave in.

"I swear if you weren't so attractive, I'd have punched you in the face nine times by now," the words were blurted out without a warning. It took her a couple of seconds to realize she didn't imagine them, but actually said them out loud. The warm feeling of a blush crept to her cheeks, and Matteo's smirk only made it worse.

"I am attractive, aren't I?"

"As if you need any more reassurances, chico fresa." She scoffed, making him laugh at the face she was doing; all frown-y, embarrassed and just plain cute. His girl was the most adorable creature, ever.

"C'mon and cuddle with me." His words came out as a whine, extending his arms again towards her, slightly wiggling his fingers as an invitation. His girlfriend's frown was still there, but it softened when he pouted at her.

"If I cuddle with you for a couple of minutes, will you help me with my essay?" She tried to bargain, and he nodded fervently. She knew he'd help her even if she hadn't asked for it, but she also knew Matteo liked when she asked for help, since she didn't do it so often. Sighing, she agreed, "Fine; but only for a little while, okay?"

Matteo pulled away his bed covers, patting the right side of his bed so she'd come lie there. The moment she did, he immediately embraced her, nuzzling his nose on her neck, inhaling the smell of her candy-like perfume (she'd said something about reminding her of a mexican candy, and making her feel closer to home) sighing in content when she kissed his forehead.

"You're the biggest baby I know, chico fresa," she mumbled, holding back a yawn. She couldn't fall asleep now, she had an essay to finish and a test to study for. Even if a nap with her boyfriend sounded really tempting now.

"Shhh," he hushed, leaving a short peck on her neck, "sleepy time."

Her chest shook as she silently giggled, and he squeezed her to calm her down, hushing her again. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and kissed his forehead one more time.

"I love you, Matteo."

Barely awake, he gave her a sleepy, "I love you more."

Watching him sleep, as creepy as it sounded, was one of her favorite things to do. Matteo had always been a calm person (with an attitude, but calm), and when he slept there was no trace of his mask, of the facade he put to protect himself from the rest of the world. When he slept there no traces of the persona his father made him be, of the pressure he had to be the best, the king of the rink and school.

There was nothing she loved more than Matteo Balsano.

"If you say so."

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