Chapter 1

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Walking down an endless hallway, looking for an escape. Twisting, turning corners, avoiding sneaky dead-ends. Continuing on my journey for the light, I reach the last corner, turning abruptly. Hope. Accomplishment. All at the same time, rushed towards me. I took another step, to follow the light...

Sitting up quickly, getting a head rush, I realized it was all a dream, this dream, I've been having for the past four months. It's making me scared to even attempt to sleep.

Standing up, walking to my wardrobe, I glance side ways, catching a glimpse of of a shiny object. A locket. One that my grandmother gave me before she passed. She was the only one who knew about my worthless, pathetic life. She knew of the bullying, the parental abuse I recieved. She knew of all the hate I go through, she was my saviour. Sadly she is gone now.

Picking the locket up off the ground, I twisted it in my hand. I felt tears whelding in my eyes, wanting to escape the prison that is my tear ducts. Blinking rapidly, I forced them to stay, or in other words vanish completly. I opened the locket, peering inside. I saw a faded picture, of my grandmother and I. That is all it took to send the tears streaming down my face, as if a dam holding a river back, had crumbled. Seeing her face hurt more than being punched repeatedly in the stomach.

After gently shutting the locket, and placing it around my neck, I continued onward towards my wardrobe. Choosing a black tank top, plaid blue button up, gray skinnies, and my old tattered combat boots. Running down the stair throwing my hair up in a messy ponytail, I realized that I only had ten minutes till school started, and I had a thirty minute walk!

Grabbing my messenger bag from the post, I ran, no more like sprinted into the dinner, grabbing an apple, kissing my dad on the cheek. Not leaving before yelling out the routinely "love you!" because if I didn't I would pay for it later.

Walking down the side walk, I knew I was going to miss most of first period, but I didn't care. It gets me out of my morning beating. Before I know it, I'm at my locker get my book for second period.

Sighing I walk down the hall towards chemistry. I turned around from hearing "Oh boys look who finally showed up!" shouted Bentley, the schools' jock, and coolest guy in school. But luck was on my side today, because I heard the class dismissal bell, and I ran to my next class like my life depended on it, because it kind of did.



Sorry it took so long I've just been trying to find a good cast listing, and plot to start the story off, but I promise these updates will get faster, I promise!


Till next time!!!

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