5 - Trips

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I finally reciecved a letter from Buchi.


Sorry I wasn't able to send you letters for two weeks.

I was busy concentrating on my studies. I envy you because you're really smart. If we became friends, can you be my tutor? Hahaha.

Oh yeah, the school trip is almost here. Looks like we're going to plant some trees... so fun... yey....

I heard from the third years that they had to make an essay about the trip and if you attach a picture you'll get plus points.

Don't forget to take a picture ok?


Put some sunscreen, I'll probably be sunny.

From: Buchi


I folded the paper and placed it in my pocket.

I entered the classroom and went to my seat.

Geez, why can't I stop smiling?

"Hana, why are you grinning like an idiot?" says Jun as he sat at the seat beside me.

Some of Jun's bandages on his face are gone now. Its my fault that he got into a fight 3 days ago.

"Whaaa! What is this? Jun why are you acting all chummy with Hana? Since when were you guys friends?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Since the day you went missing Alex." Jun said.

Oh yeah, Alex was absent for three weeks due to a cold, that's why she didn't appear in chapters three and four. (Whoops, just broke the fourth wall there)

"But more importantly, what the hell happened to your face?" Alex asked as she poked Jun's face.

"Just got in to a fight with some seniors." he answered.

"Ohhh~ But you're the weak type! So tell me? Were you trying to be cool? Saved a damsel in distress? Who's the girl huh?"

Jun looks at me.

"Ahhh... Hana?" Alex confusingly asked. "You saved Hana?"

He justs smiles.

"Whaaaat!~ Acting like a hero for Hana huh? I always new you were a man! So who won?"

"Hmmm, the seniors face was worse than mine so..."

"Hahaha! Never knew you can fight though. I'm amazed, you're quite brave."

"I'm amazed myself too..." he said.


You know... Im really sleepy.

I was so excited for the school trip that I wasn't able to sleep well last night. Please pardon my lousy handwriting.

I always get so worked up during school trips. You're like that too right?

There was that one time where you didn't even get a wink of sleep because you were so excited to go the museum together with your class.

You slept immediately when you got on the bus right?

Your classmates took a picture of you sleeping. You were so cute.


"Kids! Gather around! We're going to ride the bus now!" Teacher shouted.

"We're just going to plant trees but why am I so excited?" Cess said we went up the stairs of the bus.

Each lane has three seats. Alex sat beside me while Bree and Cess sat in the seats in front of us.

Of course, got the window seat!

"Hey Alex, move your bag. That's my seat." Jun said.

"Its heavy. Why don't you sit together with Bree and Cess?" Alex replied.

"Nah. I like it here."

Jun picks up Alex's bag and placed it at the empty seat in the front next to Bree.

"Problem solved." He says as he happily sat on his seat.


Planting trees is so tiring.

We had to plant three each. Its easy... well... Jun helped me dig but the rest was a piece of cake.

It was a good thing that I applied some sunscreen on. Its really hot that you can even see the heat waves.

Buchi is so convenient.


I took out my phone and took pictures of my plants and the field.

Suddenly Jun's face shows up in the camera.

"Hm? What's up with the pictures?" He asks.

"Well someone told me that it might give me plus points in an essay if ever we'll have one."

"Oh, then I better take one too." he says as he hurriedly took out his phone.


Speaking of pictures, I actually have some of yours saved in my phone.

I look at them sometimes when I'm bored or when I feel that I miss you.

Its a shame that I can't see you personally anymore.

I should've taken lots of pictures of you when you were here... Damn regrets.


"Plus 10 points! Hell yes!" Alex shouted while holding her graded essay.

Only the five of us got plus points. I really have to thank Buchi for this. Its too bad that I can't...

I wish he'd just reveal himself...

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