4 - Hero

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Its been a week and I haven't received a letter from Buchi.

Is he busy? Having hard time in studies?

*sighs* Why am I so worried?

"Hana! Snap out of it! Your drink's already here." Bree said.

I see the lady looking at me and holding the drink that I ordered.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said as I reached for my drink.

I turned around and accidentally bumped into someone.

Why the hell do I keep bumping in to people?! Gawd...

My drink spilled and went straight to the guys shirt.


"A-ahh, I. Am. Sooo. Sorry. It was an accident!" I said.

"Of course kid. It was an accident. It's just good that nobody got hurt right?"

What the? He's actually taking it really well.

"But." He added. "You got grape juice on my white shirt so I won't let you go that easy."


I just noticed that everybody was looking at us.

It was so embarrassing and I was starting to feel nervous. I couldn't even look the senior in the eyes.

"But... Its not grape... Its actually blueberry..." I nervously said.

"That doesn't matter!" He shouted as he raised his hand.

I flinched and quickly blocked with my hands.

But suddenly I felt someone pull me.            

"Hana! Come here!" Bree quickly grabbed my arm.

I turned back to see the person who pulled me.


"Look, We're very sorry for what happened. I'd probably be angry too if I was you. But... almost slapping his junior is a bit... "

Huh? He's backing me up?

"Look kid, its none of your business."

"Oh, its part of my business, she's my friend so it has everything to do with me."

"Its must be nice to play hero for your friend huh? But aren't you forgetting? I'm your senior. At least show some respect!"

"Who would respect someone who almost slapped his junior?"

"Tch. You sure run your mouth you little punk!"

Everybody was shocked when thbe senior suddenly punched Jun in the face.

Jun spat out blood and threw a punch at the senior.

And in that moment, I witnessed my first ever fight in a cafeteria.


Jun is a savior.

He sticked up for me and defended me from some senior.

Its my fault that he's in the clinic right now with bruises all over his face.

You know... he reminded me of you.

I remember that time when I was chased by a dog and you threw a rock at it. We were still kids back then huh?

Its a really important memory of you for me.

You and Jun, are my heroes.


"Hana, what are you writing?" A bruised Jun asked.

He lays on a bed while placing a pack of ice on his throbbing cheeks.

"More importantly, want more bandages?" I asked.

"Why would I need more? I already have enough to cover my entire face."

I couldn't help but laugh. I find Jun's bruised and bandaged face so cute.

"Thanks for sticking up for me." I finally said.

He just looked at me and smiled.

"Its no biggie... we're friends aren't we?" He asks.

I nodded. "Of course."


It feels weird...

You know I haven't made a male friend ever since I started schooling.

I find it weird how I feel calm when I talk to him. I usually feel uncomfortable when talking to boys.

I mean, you're an exception. I find you more as a... mom? Hahaha.

That's right... you were a better mother that mom was. You should've been my mom then...

The role definitely suits you.


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