Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A petite figure nestled soundly on the beige couch, with a hand dangling limply on the side of the couch. A velvet blanket covered her torso, inaudible and even breathing invaded the serene atmosphere in the living room.

In another room, a brunette was struggling to put her blazer on. After a few tries accompanied by strings of curses, she managed and dumped her pencil case-which she distantly remembered contained pencils or pens-in her bag.

"I am going to be late for the first time in my life, and it has to be on the first day of school." Lexianna grumbled in annoyance as she briefly looked through the documents scattered at her vanity. She compiled a few significant ones before proceeding to made way out of her room.

She dashed down the stairs, nearly missing a few steps. An audible sigh left her lips as she was welcomed with her mistress's sleeping posture. Did she really sleep through the whole night on the couch? She faintly remember covering the velvet blanket her mistress before retreating to her room the night before. Looking back to the soundly sleeping maiden, Lexianna left the stack of document on the coffee table before quickly making her way out of the house.

'Ye Ran High School, Ye Ran high school.' she chimed in her thoughts. What will it be like?


"You can find your class according to this booklet, but the school is considerably large, so I figured you would need some help." The staff made a few clicks on her computer, before looking up to find some innocent soul that would help Lexianna find her destination. The printer began digesting a blank sheet of paper, and Lexianna paid a close eye on all the subjects and classes on the paper.

'English, Social Science, Pure Sciences Mathematics-' the brunette cursed under her breath. Why is there mathematics? Her mistress ought to know about her absolute distaste for numbers and calculations. She continued skimming through her timetable, occasionally looking around her surroundings. A mope of red dashing across the hall caught Lexianna's eyes. She smirked under her breath. This kid was definitely late.

"Han Shinwoo, stop right there." The lady behind her desk ordered tonelessly, Lexianna thought this must have been a daily occurrence. The male flinched visibly and grumbled underneath his breath. He reluctantly brought his foot towards the receptionist's desk, his gaze unable to meet both females standing at the receptionist.

"Ah," He really wanted to crawl in a hole and die in there. He literally just embarrassed himself in front of a new student. What a great way to start the day. 

And as predicted, the redhead was tasked with bringing Lexianna to her class. Both of the students strutted across the hall, with the female just a step behind the male. The awkward ambiance remained till the moment they've reached the doorstep of a classroom.


"Han Shinwoo, stop making ruckus outside and get in the class, now." Lexianna could distinctly hear a booming voice from the other side of the door. The male in front of her grunted and reluctantly pulled the door open.


The arrival of the new student immediately set off red alerts. Seira shared a glance with Regis before turning back to the stranger. She was one of them. Taking an appearance just like any other human, the ones with abilities could feel power stirring inside of her. She was powerful enough to do harm. The nobles would need to ensure that her intentions will not result in a catastrophe in the human society.

Lexianna could feel their gazes burning into her, from two of the white haired students who bore an uncanny resemblance to porcelain dolls and a domineering gaze from a seat near the window. She felt a cold shiver running down her spine. His vermillion eyes probed every passage to her, she felt herself choking and stunned to the core in her conscious mind. Sitting upright at the window, was the most intimidating and graceful being she had every laid eyes on. This being was on par with her mistress in terms of elegance. She reminded herself to inform Loulisia of her new 'rival'.

Well, from the looks and attention she was getting, Lexianna probably wouldn't even make it home for her mistress to know of her first day at school experience. Through the supposingly welcoming and warmth atmosphere, Lexianna felt the cold and thick tension soaring on a level that humans would be oblivious to. And then she felt it.

It was a zap, that's the only way to put it. A quick yet painful, deeming one powerless and succumbing to wrath. It was a howl of dominance, one that persists assurance in standing in terms of power. Lexianna felt the overwhelming and raw power radiating off the two white headed beings, both were equally unfriendly towards this newcomer. Apparently, she wasn't the only one who felt it, the intimidating male sitting at the corner seem to have caught on, though not expressed as emotionally. Lexianna found the glaring and overuse of power quite extra, but it made her proud to think that they felt the need to go through these lengths in attempt to make her comply.

It's seems that on that day all odds are against her because the speaker at the front of class began to sound, garnering the attention of all homosapiens present.

"Miss Anna Lee, Seira and Regis please come to the principle's office. Thank you. I repeat-"

There goes the first day of school.

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