5 - who's that stranger?

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Fallon it is you. Yeah, you were the one that Nick hung out with while his girlfriends were always being ditched. This was the main reason he never kept a girlfriend for more than a month or so. I always beat them out and they never liked it. One girl tried to be cool with the fact that he slept over at my house and came over to my house and always left dates early to come for me, but after a while she gave up on it because she could not wrap her head around the fact that we were only friends. She called him a cheater and then left.

I needed to keep distance from him, but I couldn’t. Nick was my only friend. The one I trusted with my life; my brother. He was my neighbor pea in the pod we shared.

“Oh nevermind Nick, I know I’m your best friend. Just leave it at that and find a good girl. You’re eighteen for crying out loud. It’s time to mature up and get a steady girlfriend. Plus I wont be here forever. I’m going to be working at Colland and Copeland remember?” I gave him a good wink and downed the rest of the pizza slice and some root beer to go with.

“Time for bed, you two!” My mom ordered

“Yes, mom,” we said in unison. Pajamas on and faces washed, we passed out over a bowl of popcorn and a movie.

**** 1 week later

My interview went well, and I was contacted on Friday about starting my internship with Colland and Copeland within the week. I couldn’t believe a top company wanted me to actually come and work for them as an intern. I was kind of freaking out, but I was ready for it and was up for the challenge.

My mom had been wondering why Nick hadn’t been over in the past week and I gave the lame excuse that he was busy and had a girlfriend to attend to so I wasn’t on the list of priorities lately. She knew it was bull. Oh well.

I came into school that day with an appointment with the principal about my schedule and work during the week. I would be leaving at noon every day, if allowed...

“Miss Carmichael, such a pleasure to see you on this bright and happy Monday. So, we are talking about an improved schedule for you to leave and start working, is that right?” Miss Thompson beamed a bright and chipper smile at me.

“Yes, ma’am. I was hoping that you would allow for noon every day. School releases at two so it wouldn’t be much of a burden and I don’t have any classes besides history, and I was hopeful that you could convince Mr. Howard of the fact that I would be missing Tuesday classes, but only Tuesdays. I can also come in earlier so that I can make up things I have missed. I really hope it isn’t asking too much, but I am a senior this year and this will really help me to start my career early.” I gave a hopeful look to her and she continued in her chipper mood.

“Well... when you put it that way, I really don’t have a choice do I?” She signed a slip of paper and handed it to me, “Here, you are all set,” she smiled. “And, Fallon, I hope you have a wonderful career and a wonderful life. You have a bright future. I hope you rub off on that little rascal Mr. McConnell.” She laughed jokingly and shooed me out of her office. “Get to class, don’t become a slacker now, you little go-getter.”

I laughed too, “thanks, Mrs. Thompson, you are the best of the best!” Bright smiles, I took my signed paper and grinned it all down the hallway.

This means, I can start on Wednesday.

Wednesday equals awesomeness.

Yeah, who has two thumbs and is awesome? This girl right here! I gave a small squeal and headed off to homeroom.

Today was my excitement day. I had on my beige Edge booties with fur around the ankle, homemade lilac-colored tights, and a floral flare cocktail dress to match the scheme from Express. It was casual, and classy all at the same time. Totally perfect for my leaf green military button coat I had in my closet crying to be worn. Throw on a scarf that used to be scrap, and voila! Perfect “happy monday” outfit.

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