A Circus Act

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A Circus Act.

                I sat in music theory class; it was mid-afternoon around 2:00pm, my last class of the day. Aidan sat behind me to the left; I could always see him out of the corner of my eye. Aidan was a good looking guy, average height and build, but he had red hair and beautiful blue eyes. To be honest wasn't sure if he even noticed me, I was only around 5'6" averages build, and brown hair and eyes, with "chin-strap" style facial hair.

                The class sat listening to a piano major playing the Bach "Prelude in C" he was very good. I was bored out of my mind and day dreaming. Today in theory we had to perform a song, the class was made up of a mix of instrumental and vocal music majors; I personally am a voice major with a secondary in oboe. I was day dreaming about Aidan when Professor Allen called my name.

                "James" professor Allen began "I do believe you're up next." I snapped out of my day dream, didn't even realize that John the Prelude was over.

                "Sorry Professor?" I asked dazed

                "You are next, yes?"

                "Oh Yes sir, I am next." I said beginning to stand.

                "Wonderful so what do you have for us today? Asked the professor.

                "I will be performing Valence's Viva L'amour. " I say  I stand to perform my piece. I walk to the front of the class room. "Good morning my name is James Valera, I will be accompanied by Stephen Narusky and we will be performing Crispin Valence's Viva L'amour."

                 I prepare myself to perform.  I look over at Stephen and nod so he can start the piece.  He begins and so do I. As I sing I try to keep my eyes looking out the window, but during the final refrain my eyes drift to look on Aidan, who seems to be looking at me in adoration. I feel my face heat up and turn a bright pink, I look away as fast as I can.

                I finish the song without looking away from the windows. The class began to clap as I finished the piece, I bowed and the motioned towards Stephen to show my thanks. Both Stephen and I then bowed again, when I came back up I looked over at Aidan, boy did I regret doing that for he had this really cute cocky smile on his face, I think I turned six shades of red.

                "Wonderful job James, it sounded very good, I love how you expressed your love through the lyrics. You must have some muse." Said Professor Allen I then heard Aidan snicker I blushed again. "Well it seems we are out of time, I want to hear more of you perform on Wednesday." The class began to leave the room. I met myself went back to my seat to collect my things.

                "Hey James you sounded great" Aidan said as he snuck up behind me. I could feel myself blush again. I turned to face him, he had his cute cocky smile on his face. I totally blanked on words for a moment and I just stared at him. "Well it seems that the cat has your tongue. I have to go or I'll be late, I'll see you later." He then turned and left me there speechless.

                "Jay?" I hear my friend Sara call. I snapped out of it. "Come on let's go." I got my back pack and walked to meet Sara and Jenna "Jay what is wrong with you."

                "It was Aidan, he told me good job, and I just stood there like an idiot, I could say a word.

Then he made a comment about my silence, turned and left, me standing there like an idiot."

                "Well maybe you can redeem yourself, tonight." She said as we began to walk down the hall.

                "Tonight?"I asked

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