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Chapter 2


“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.

― C. J  Jung

Her heart was beating fasts.

she couldn't believe it. he was kissing her.

Ashley wanted to remember his lips on her , his ferocious lips -as if he had millions of years of practice!-his long and strong fingers smooth against her naked thigh , her hands griping his big arms , but more then all that she wanted to remember the taste of his tongue like exploding sugar if that had a taste. her hands came to rest on his pendant the oval worm at touch, she released it but it seemed to stick to her hand , he held it back and detached himself from Ashley leaving her face leaning toward him.

"you ready?"

she remained speechless because of what had just happened but nodded her head. she knew she was forgetting something but couldn’t decipher what. he drove silently and moments later they were at the beach, the moon full above. there was a gate with cement separating the beaches sand from the street. the beach was almost empty, if it were not for figures-people- drifting in and out of existence , forming then disappearing in the shadows she would have thought there was nobody but she didn’t really care if they were people there or not all she could think of was him.

Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. was all in her thoughts. there was something in the pounding of his name in her head that hurt, and another that controlled her body. She was leaving the car now.

she felt like if her mind were fighting with her spirit and her Body was just caught up in the middle.

* * *

David -already finished bathing - was wearing only jeans his feet and torso were naked. He walked out of the bathroom to see that Ashley wasn’t waiting for her as he asked her to. he shrugged. "don't matter ill meet him when they get back." he sat on his couch and snapped his fingers . Music spread through the room filling his heart with heavy sadness . the song was his wife’s  favorite , she had eternity to hear it but he doubted she could now. he waved his hand and the song changed. he dropped to his feet and danced to the rhythm of the classic ballad after hearing a couple of songs he danced to his room and thought " immortality does suck if you don’t have your other half. because love is life and the only love holding me up is Ashley and my beautiful wife...I’m going to free you. don’t worry if its the last thing I’ll do it’s that!" he yelled in his own mind and sat on his desk and pulled a ring out -from a hidden compartment at the desks left side -and placed it on his finger it filled with life. smooth black body and gold circle shinning. And before him virtualized a man dress in a old fashion tuxedo black , gray and Orange cuffs. “DAVID!! YOU ARE THE WORST!" said. the person

David laughed.

"that’s not funny! why would you do that to me!"

"I had to.! you talk to much and I’m a very distracted person. "

"but I could hear you even if you went to Rome! and I can’t possibly speak seriously to Ashley hearing you."

"you could have told me t- Ashley? who’s Ashley?

David just stared.

"ohh , I remember you daughter right "

"yes my daughter."

"so how old is she already? last time I saw her she was what 11? she probably 116?"

"she’s 17"

"big difference. 117."

" no. literally 17 year old."

"how would i know there are no calendar’s in darkness for 1000 years i was floating not watch a watch to tell time! “he turn away. "just my voice "

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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