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chapter 1


"The history of PR is... a history of a battle for what is reality and how people will see and understand reality."

- Stuart Ewen

Boston, logan airport. July 5 , 2013

"Can I go sit down?" said Ashle with a bit of irritation.  "my feet are killing me, we've been standing for hours, and this line has moved nothing but an inch."

David looked down at her , his green eyes blazing in amusement but said nothing.

"I'm hungry and sleepy  "she said gesturing with annoyance at the people at line in front of them waiting to have their luggage's checked in "and these people don't move!"

"lighten up honey , we're on our way to 'La Isla del Encanto.'" said David with his smooth voice. He went on. " I haven't been there in ages, its very lovely you know ' the fresh air, the sandy beaches, El Moro, Las Quenepas de ponce- '"

"the sexy shirtless men" she interrupted. David stared at her in disbelief as embarrassment washed over her , flushing her cheeks. "because of the heat ,i mean, that's why their shirtless . Its burning in 'Puerto Rico'"  Ashley said nervously.

David spoke awkwardly. "darling , so where is this friend of yours ? Why hasn't he arrived yet? Alex is it?

" Ashton , his name is Ashton , and that's why I want to sit down. He hasn't called me and our flight leaves in an hour."

" I thought you wanted to sit because you were tired and hungry, wasn't it ?"

" Dad!"

" ok" he said " you may sit , but don't speak to any strangers"

" have you forgotten? " said Ashely " i'm seventeen"

David ignored her comment. " do you not think its weird? I have laid eyes on him not once , in all your years of friendship ."

" he's a very busy teenager."

" I don't think so." David said.

" dad you'll meet him soon enough, he should be here any minute now."

" he's not here yet."

" stop! , please stop."

" all I'm saying is that its very rare for parents not to know their child's best friend."'

" I have to pee.

David laughed and shook his head. " then go use the ladies room."

"ok" Ashley said happily ."but keep an eye out for Ashton "

" I don't know him darling" he said with no emotion .

" tall , blond hair, purple eyes, beautiful face." she said gleaming as she walked away." watch for him ok."

David looked as if his mind were lost in the past, the kind of look he got when she asked him about her mother; but this was slightly different ,- a mix of horror and something else -as if he had seen a ghost.

A scary ghost".

" dad?" Ashley called out to her father. " what's wrong? "he gasped for air , as if he had stopped breathing momentarily.

"n-nothing honey just remembered I have the worst fear of heights. "he said.

" oh you scared the sh-"she froze. " you frighten me David. Keep a lookout for Ashton will ya" she said backing away

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