Chapter Two: Visiting The Host Club

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Chapter Two

I went home with the Host Club still on my mind, but one thing that I couldn't get my mind of was Haruhi. Why were they all acting as if Haruhi was a boy? I'm sure it's pretty obvious that she is a girl, but even if they do know that, what reason would they have to pretend that she is a he?

Not wanting think to much about it, I pushed the thought out of my mind and walked inside to my apartment. That would be a thought for another day, for now I focused on my dad who was on the couch watching T.V. I gave a the typical, "I'm home," phrase and I made my way to my bedroom.

| | | The Next Day | | |

The morning was bright when I got up which surprised me because I usually get up early, before the sun rises. I looked at he clock and it said 7:30. I panicked because it takes me about twenty minutes to get to school and seven to get to class. Even though I found it yesterday I still can't remember where it was. The campus is just too big to memorize it in one day!

I rushed through everything, almost forgetting my backpack on my way out, but realized I was missing it when I was putting on my shoes. I quickly found a taxi and waited until I spotted Ouran. I rushed out of the cab after throwing (literally) the money at the cab driver.

"Sorry!" I shouted the apology over my shoulder and continued to run towards class.

Luckily, it took me five minutes this time to find class 1-A. I power walked my way towards my seat just in time before class started. Everyone stared at me as I tried to catch my breathe. I just ignored them and took the stuff I needed for the day out.

As class went on the teacher called on someone for the answer, but when they didn't answer it correctly, the teacher called on Haruhi to answer the question and no surprise she got it right. What bothered me was what he said after she answer. The teacher looked over to the student who answered the question wrong and said, "You should study more like Haruhi. HE always gets the answer correct."

Even the teacher called Haruhi a 'he'. Does everyone in this school think Haruhi is a guy? I shook it off my mind and focused back on the lesson at hand.

| | | Later | | |

I started to walk out of the classroom as class was finally over. A few of the girls kept on talking about the Host Club and how the guys were dreamy and charming. All compliments that I thought suited them well... upon first glance of course. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at them.

I almost made it out the door when suddenly I was yanked back by four hands, "Woooahhh!!" I yelled as I stumbled backwards. The person or should I say people who grabbed me turned me around so I was facing them.

For some reason, I wasn't surprised to see that it was the twins from the Ouran Host Club. From the corner of my eye I could see Haruhi NOT looking surprised that they took me. I guess they must do this often, "What are you guys doing?" I questioned.

They smirked at me before replying, "We just wanted to personally welcome you to Ouran High," the twins said in unison, "and we wanted to formally introduce ourselves."

"That guy over there is Haruhi," they began pointing to the girl. I decided to play along with them and their 'pretend Haruhi is a boy' game.

"Hi," I greeted quietly. She replied by giving me a friendly smile that made me smile back.

"I'm Hikaru," the twin with his hair parted to his right side, my right, spoke.

"I'm Kaoru," the twin with his hair parted to his left side said, my left, continued.

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