xvii. i found you

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eighteen. i found you

author's note !
long chapter ahead (3033 words)


She was running so fast that she couldn't hear anything but the sound of her feet slapping against the cold tile. She wasn't thinking; she couldn't. Her mind had shut down after fighting through her first wave of Kraang. Now, it was just flight. 

She was sprinting for her life.

But the thunderous pounding of her feet against the floor momentarily stopped when she crashed into a Kraang drone and fell backward, her spine making contact with the ground.

Florence's eyes snapped open just as a pistol was aimed at her. She immediately spun, dodging the blast that turned the white tile where she once stood, brown. With a forceful shove off of the ground, Florence dodged another blast and aimed her own pistol at the alien. 

With a squeeze of a trigger, the Kraang husk collapsed to the ground.  

Florence shot back up, wasting no time as she ran down the white hall towards the metallic double doors. On the right side of the wall was a keypad of some sort- the type that required a keycard or some type of identification. 

Clenching her jaw tightly, Florence held a hand up to the door and shut her eyes, focusing intently on her body. She exhaled slowly and pushed through the pain screaming within every fiber of her body. Snapping open her eyes, she saw something in the doors and froze.

Her reflection in the metal doors showed her glowing eyes as though they were nothing short of a demon's gaze. The fear of her looking so evil, with the blinking red lights, bloodied clothes, and glowing yellow eyes, suddenly struck fear into her heart but there was a hidden pleasure underneath the terror. 

She loathed seeing herself so evil, but she loved seeing herself so powerful. 

 Behind her, the monotonous echo of an incoming fleet ripped her out of her awestruck gaze. She furrowed her brows and looked over her shoulder, watching as an identical platoon of suited men turned the corner just a few meters away. 

With one swift movement, Florence moved her arms and began to rip the doors out of the wall. The foundation crackled, the ceiling moaned. In a few seconds, the metal door was completely torn out of the wall and in a blur, sent spiraling through the air before effortlessly slicing through the entire group of Kraangs. With electricity hissing throughout their husks, each Kraang droid was divided in half and collapsed to the ground. 

Florence turned back to the lab that was once hidden behind the once-standing metal doors and dropped the pistol to the ground. 

The room was nearly identical to a college lab with its multiple tables of lab equipment. The walls were lined with counters and shelves that held vials, papers, books, and structures built by scientists. In the back were two humongous vats that held translucent cyan gel. 

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