Tips #30 ♥ Tips to Forget your Ex-BF

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Tips #30 - Tips to Forget your Ex-Boyfriend





If he calls or texts you after telling you it's over,don't pick up his call or text back.That will show that you been cheap to him.

Maybe delete his/her number if it helps and after doing this try calling some friends to go and hang out with.

If he cheated or treated you badly during your relationship and you want to tell him off, plan ahead. An effective lecture is short and to the point, but with enough acidity in it to let him know he hurt you and that he should feel bad for what he's done.

When you are giving back his things, you should ask for yours, too. This will make it clear to him that you're making a clean break and you don't want any loose threads still remaining form your relationship, indicating that you're ready to move on.

If you broke up amicably and you feel like you're ready to be friends again, don't be aggressive when you confront him post-breakup, otherwise you'll significantly hurt your chances at friendship.


Do not get back together with someone who made you feel bad about yourself! No matter how many times he apologizes or begs for your forgiveness, remember how you felt the last time he flirted with another girl or called you fat, and stay strong.

If you don't feel ready to confront him, don't do it. You risk freezing up and spluttering and feeling inferior, even if you know that you're not.


That's Clear Girls?

I Hope you Can.

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