C13: On and On and On~

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dahyun: on and on and on! ~

nayeon: ugh....

dahyun: look at me look at me now! ~

jungyeon: why so jolly? Geez.

tzuyu: come on! Are you a die-hard BlackPink fan?

momo: well, on and on and on! ~

jihyo: can you guys shut up? You're all flooding the chat with BlackPink lyrics!

nayeon: is she on her period?

jungyeon: well maybe.

jihyo: no fcking btch.

jungyeon: maybe not.

dahyun: on and on and on?!!!

chaeyoung: hey dahyun, do you miss me?

dahyun: my love is on fire!🔥

chaeyoung: what?!!!!


jungyeon: seriously?

momo: um, no. Nothing.

nayeon: this is really depressing.

sana: why?

nayeon: twice members are never loyal anymore.....

sana: what about us?

Mina: ♥♥♥♥

nayeon: oh, you guys.

jihyo: please..... I hate it when you guys talk about couples!

dahyun: look at me look at me now! ~

jihyo: why do I have to stare at your face?

Mina: kyahhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzz

jihyo: kyahhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzz

sana: what was that supposed to be?

jihyo: um....

jungyeon: MiHyo? I ship it!!!! ♥♥♥♥

sana: um, excuse me?

dahyun: now burn baby burn! ~

nayeon: shut up!!

jihyo: sorry but I gotta sleep.

Mina: no, don't go babe. ♥♥♥

sana: we're breaking up!!! 💔

jungyeon: what a good ending.....

tzuyu: it isn't the ending yet!!!

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