When he met her

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It was the day after Harrises 13th Birthday, and for a day he has owned his new computer. He has owned many in the past, all varying in shapes and sizes, and every time he god a new one, it seemed so much more different with so much to explore. Computers are truly an amazing invention- they have provided humans with so much, from being able to calculate a millionaires monthly profit to simply providing a 13 year old boy something to do.  

His hand moved the mouse, letting the cursor go around the screen looking at the different featured of the new monitor.

After exploring all the Microsoft features, Harrises mouth overhead over the Internet button before clicking on it. The window went up, loading in less than a second . Harris smiled to himself-he really did love new computers. He logged into MSN, befor minimising the window.

His attention was taken by a tiny windows that came up in the corner. 

'1 new invite' read the message. 

Harris thought that one of his friends must of gotten MSN, and he clicked on the message. He looked at his invites and realised it wasn't one of his friends or mutual friends, it was, infact someone he doesn't even know.

'Mahiha:)' read the new invite. 

'who even calls their child that?!' thought Harris. He never understood when parents gave their children weird names, like, do they want them to be bullied at school, because of their name? Harris never understood bullying neither, especially things people couldn't help, for instance their name.  

His best friend had a weird name that he was planning to change When he turned 18. 'Table' was the name. In school, people would come randomly sit on him, and ask him things such as, 'hey, is your sister called chair?'.  

Unlike Table, his sister had a pretty normal name, Margaret.

Harris turned his attention back to the lit up screen in front of him. He wasn't sure whether to accept. The girl in the picture had long wavy brown hair which was all on one side. It was long, brown and wavy. In the background was what looked like another computer. The girl was smiling, showing her dazzling white teeth, like those of a Hollywood celebrity. However, Harris could clearly tell, that behind that smile the girl was hiding her true emotions, and was, somewhat, forfeited.

It was one of them moments when the body's functions completely disconnect from the brain, sending out their own signals, and usually them signals cause human beings to do capricious things.  

Harrises fingers moved the mouse so the cursor was pointing at the accept button, and he clicked.

His mum always told him, never to talk to strangers, even the ones he found attractive, even the ones that Were separated from him with the Internet.

Right now, there was no redemption. There waas nothing to dave harris from the way he changed his fate in just one, single click.


(5 years later)

Harris crashed on the brand new black ikea sofa in his small appartment on the 6th floor. After living there for 2 month now, Harris was starting to enjoy it. Out of his window, he could see the alot of the beautiful city of London, the alpine skyscrapers casting shadows over the busy people scruffing about like ants, too caught up in their lifes to notice the things around them. With their eyes set straight, they work at a job they hate to earn money they will spend anyway, only a few of them actually manage to see how gorgeous the city really is.

It was around 6 o'clock, the time when the city was especially busy because everyone was returning from their jobs, just like ata round 7:30 am, which was the time that Harris left for his usual cliche 18 year old job in Starbucks.

Mahiha(slave of system) on holdWhere stories live. Discover now