No Hate - Louis

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‘@vibess_ you are ugly as f*ck. Leave MY BooBear alone.’ ‘@vibess_ & again an ugly bitch is with 1/5 of 1D @Louis_Tomlinson u could’ve everyone else but choose that ugly cow?’  I read throw my twitter. That is disgusting. I was backstage at the concert in Chicago, I didn’t wanted to be in the crowd and listen the guys. I mean I really wanted but what if someone would took a picture and tweet it with stuff like they hate me, I don’t deserve Louis? So I was sitting on a chair, hugging my legs and waiting for the show to end.  Reading throw those tweets I slowly started to cry. That really made me down. Every single one. I wiped my tears away, but they still were coming down. As I heard some guys laughing, I recognized that they are coming. But I couldn’t stop crying. So I hided my face between my legs, and I opened my ponytail that no one could see that I was crying. Harry was the first one who came in. “Carmen how is my favorite girl backstage?” Liam and Zayn entered the room as well. I had no clue what to do. So I just thumbed up. Then it was silence which was filling the room. I heard Zayn whisper in Liam’s ear, “Do you also think something is wrong with her?” It wasn’t that kind of question, like he would make fun of me he was worried about me.  Then Louis entered the room, I knew it because he screamed my name. As he saw me sitting on the chair with my face hidden and my phone in my hand, where I was searching those hate things about me. “Do you know what wrong is with my babe?” He asked the others. Then Niall jumped on Harry’s back. I also just could hear it. Tears were still streaming down my face. “Who is not good?” That was Niall as he jumped on Harry who was yelling at him shortly. “Carmen, babe. What’s wrong, you know you always can talk to me, rig-“It was Louis who was talking to me, he was now kneeing down. I felt his hand who was taking my phone away. ‘Shit. He’ll read those tweets. Well at least he will know what he has as his girlfriend.’  He was reading a few of them loud. I heard from the other just thinks like “That’s disgusting.”, “Why are you reading that?”, “They don’t even know her.”, “Who is writing that stuff. She is amazing.” Then there was Louis who was handling my phone to Harry. He stood up, pulled my feet down, stroke my hair behind my ears, and wiped my tears away. Whilst he was reading those hate tweets I started crying again. It just hurt, to read what people are saying about you. Stuff like you are fat, ugly, not talented, attention seeker, that I am just using Louis etc. “Carmen, look at me.”  Louis took my face, and I looked up to him. “Why are you reading those lies?” His voice was softly, he was talking to me like to a three year old girl whose Barbie broke. “Actually, it was trending on twitter.” My voice broke up, I gulped. “It was WHAT?” He looked back to the others, who were also shocked about that fact. As he looked back at me, his face was full of hate, he was sad maybe a bit broken, but most of all he was angry with those fans. “That’s not true. It can’t be true.” I heard him, as he ran out of the room. “What is he going to do?” I asked the others, who just were standing there like statues. “WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO?” I was screaming at them. I stood up and ran after Louis. I heard the others following me. “Guys, hay before you are leaving.” Louis was on stage and was talking to the other fans who were still there. “Get the door locked. And you guys are going to stop and listen.”Lou, get down. Whatever you are wanna do, don’t” I heard Liam screaming behind me. Harry got on stage to, Zayn and Niall got after him. “Come on. Carmen he is doing whatever he is doing because of you. Get on stage too.” Liam told me. I wasn’t crying anymore. But I ruined my make-up. “First of all thanks for coming back. So second thing, Carmen?” Louis asked for me. Liam pulled me on stage. Now I was on stage with Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis who was wrapping his arms around me. “So, to all of you, look now at her. You see that?” He pointed at my ruined make-up, and was wiping some tears away. “She was crying because of your stupid tweets. It was trending #HateCarmen. Guys why? Because I am not dating one of you? Well sorry but I am happy with the girl you are threating like shit. Okay, you made her cry. That is not okay.” Louis was literally yelling at the fans. Harry and Niall were trying to pull him down from stage. “Lou, calm down. It’s fine. I know I am ugly. Now don’t send your fans hate, the ones who love you. Please just go.”  I took his hand and pulled him down. “You shouldn’t pulled me down. I wasn’t done.” I looked at the stage where Zayn, Harry, Niall and Liam were raping ‘Prince of Bel-Air’.  Louis and I were sitting in the dressing room, well I was sitting in Louis lap and he was telling me why he was loving me. As they were back Harry gave me my phone back. I checked twitter and it was trending #LouisIsYellingAtThoseWhoSendCarHate, #LouisKeepCalm, #Couis, #ThatIsTrueLoveCarmen, #CarmenWasCryingCuzOfh8,  #STFUCouisIsRealLove, #LouisBeingCarmensHeroTonight, #WatchOutAngryLouisIsOut, #LouisBeingTheBestBfYouCouldGet and #LouisTheSassyQueen. I was laughing. “Hay look what is trending now.” I was reading the trends out loud. Everyone was laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2012 ⏰

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