The infection - Louis

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Lou I’m fi-“I coughed, and cuddled more in my blanket hugging my pillow I got from him. I was sick, I had fever and I was shaking. I saw him looking at me in pain. “Babe, I promise I’ll be back soon.”  He had to meet with the rest of the band. I nodded. I wasn’t able to say something my voice was gone. He kissed my forehead before he got up.  I tied up my brown curly hair to a ponytail, it was so comfortable to lay in my bed. “Amber?” Louis screamed my name, while he came back wearing his jacket. “I could send Danielle over. You need company, or at least someone who is looking after you.”  He smiled a bit, still worried about me. I took my phone and wrote as a note ‘You don’t need to send someone over. I’ll be fine, I’ll sleep and then I’ll be better. xx’  I showed him the note. I needed to write him what I wanted to say. I couldn’t speak my voice was gone and it would just hurt my neck if I would have talked. He sighed, as he gave my phone back and stroked my head. “Fine, but when we are finished with our meeting I’ll bring you some medicine.  And I’ll cook some soup, and…”  As his mobile rang he stopped talking and began to talk to the guy on the phone. “It’s Liam.” He told me. I nodded and closed my eyes. Before I felt asleep Louis kissed my forehead and leaved the flat.


I coughed and turned me to the other side of the bed, hugging the cold side of the pillow as I heard a familiar voice. “Lou I think she is up.” It was Zayn. I opened my eyes and turned me. Zayn was sitting on a chair in the room with his mobile in his hands and looking after me. “Morning beauty.” He greeted me. “Hi.” I simply replied with a weak voice.  “How are you?” Zayn asked me as he pulled his phone in his pocket. I sat up looking at him and yawed. “Actually … I am feeling sick. But I guess that is obvious.” He giggled. As Lou entered the room, he said thanks to Zayn and Zayn leaved us. “Hay Babe, how are you doing after your beauty sleep?”  He sat down next to me, looking at me. I smiled a bit, “Uhm I am alright my head is just hurting but my voice is back. Even through not really back, but I can talk and I don’t need to write you letters.” He hugged me. “I’m glad you are feeling at least a bit better. Uhm I have a little surprise for you.” He pulled me up in his arms and carried me in the living room. All of the boys where there, and also Perrie and Danielle. “Hay, how are you feeling?” They all greeted me and welcomed me with a smile.  “Oh Lou. For what?” I looked around. The table was full with pizza, ice cream and chips. I was lying on the sofa next to Lou wrapped in a blanket. “Well I”, “We all, Boo Bear.” Harry reminded him. “Okay. We all thought you maybe need company. So the girls, went buying stuff, were cooking while we were working. We thought we could stay here and watch some movies instead of partying while you are sick.” He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. “Oh you are all so damn cute. Thanks Boys. And thank you Perrie and Danielle you are amazing I am really happy to have you as my friends.” “No need to be.” Perrie replied as Zayn was starting Black Swan.  I was cuddling up to Lou, Danielle to Liam and Perrie to Zayn. Harry and Niall were also kinda cuddling. I felt asleep after I eat some pizza and take my medicine in Louis’s arms. The next day I was lying in my bed with Lou who was still holding me tight in his strong arms. I kissed his cheek, today I felt really better.  Louis looked at me and smiled a bit. “Hay sweetie.” He said before he coughed.  “Oh baby don’t tell me I infected you.” I said while he tried to stand up. “I guess you did.” He walked in the kitchen to take the medicine. Today I was his nurse.

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