Part 33

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With our carnal needs met, and a quick shower, Prince easily persuades me to lay back down with him for a while.  I know it's still early in the evening, so I don't question the idea.  He has a way of making things happen fast, and I know this 'spontaneous' concert won't begin until well after dark.  I return to the living area just long enough to retrieve my purse, use the bathroom, then hurry to snuggle up next to him in the bed.  In a matter of minutes I can feel the heaviness of sleep settle over me as I lay listening to his even breathing.  


"Sugar?" I hear whispered, waking me.  As my eyes open, I take in the candles, remembering where I am before I focus on Prince standing beside the bed. 

"Hey," I manage to say, before stifling a yawn.  I blink a few more times, the man is ready to rock and roll.  He's already dressed, a hat slightly cocked on top of his head, and even in the candlelight I can tell his makeup has been heavily applied. 

"I laid you out something to wear and Kim will waiting downstairs to do your hair and makeup," he kisses me, "I gotta go Tweet." His eyes widen humorously as he says the word 'Tweet' which makes me laugh. 

"It's going to get crazy here, isn't it?"

"Yes," he grins, but when he sees my eyes glaze over, he sits down on the edge of the bed, taking my hand between his.   "I know crowds are not your thing, and you won't be in the audience, you'll be on the side of the stage, okay?"

"Okay," I feel relieved not to be amongst the crazed crowd of fans. 

"And when you're ready to go to bed, just go.  I know you have to be up early."  My hand is then lifted and kissed before he stands, the vest he's wearing jingles softly as he crosses the room to leave, closing the door behind him.  

Still nude, I climb out of bed and get my purse from atop the dresser, pulling out my cell, I power it on.  When it powers up, the screen shows 7:57, he hasn't Tweeted yet?! 

I see the dress he wants me to wear laid out and I frown, there's no way, my breasts are going to be out on full display. It's black and shimmery, very similar to what he was wearing, but then I spot the brassiere with elaborate stitching laying beside the dress. Oh, good, I think sourly, the bra will be on display instead, I guess.  With a sigh, I put on the undergarments, then pull on the dress and turn to look into the mirror.  Oh boy, I think, as I give the cups of the brassiere a pull upwards and try to jiggle myself further into the fabric. 

Giving up, I strap on the heeled sandals that were set out, and tell my 'girls' to behave with a poke of my finger to the exposed mounds

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Giving up, I strap on the heeled sandals that were set out, and tell my 'girls' to behave with a poke of my finger to the exposed mounds.   I take a deep breath and open the bedroom door, and another before I leave his suite, this get up would look great on someone else, it's just not me.   I decide to take the elevator because I don't trust my breasts to stay confined bouncing down the stairs.  When the doors ding and open, I make my way around the corner, heading toward the salon to meet Kim. 

When I round the corner, Monica's hand comes up to cover her mouth in surprise, she quickly recovers and averts her gaze, "I'll have your stuff brought upstairs, Dana."

"Thank you," I hesitate before rounding the corner, "This is a bit much, isn't it?" I point to my breasts. 

She stumbles, "It's a beautiful dress, but...."

"It's not me," I finish for her. 

"No, it's not.  Has Prince seen it on you, yet?"

I shake my head, "I'm my way to see Kim, if he passes through, send him to see me, please."

I walk into the salon, Kim's eyes bug out when she sees me, "Well, um," she's also at a loss for what to say. 

I grimace as I sit down in the chair, looking down at my chest, I sigh and look at her apologetically, "I didn't pick this out."

"I figured as much. Has he seen you yet?" Her eyes glance quickly to my chest, then back to my face.

"No, and based on both your and Monica's reactions, I hope I'm told to change."

"That's a given.  Well, let's get your hair and makeup done since you're here," she says, as she covers me with an apron and gets to work. 

I talk Kim into keeping everything subtle since I doubt I'll be attending the whole concert, "I have orientation for a job tomorrow morning," I explain. 

She stops on a dime, pretty much mimicking the same expression she made when she saw this outfit, "Orientation? For a job?"  She frowns, "Why?"

"I need something to do.  Prince says I can try it out, but only two days a week."

Kim shakes her head as she dabs on foundation, "O-kayyyy," she's skeptical, "Where?"

"The Garden in the Woods, just right down the road."

She raises her head as she considers this new information, "Hmm," is all she mutters and says no more until Prince strides in.  

"Hey, beautiful," he beams as he approaches.

I get out a 'hey' before Kim says, "You need to stand up." She prompts me by pushing on my shoulder.  I stand and when I'm clear of the chair, she whips the apron off. 

Prince's eyes fixate on my chest, "Oh."  His eyes don't move, and he bites the inside of his lip. 

I crane my head down, "Prince, my eyes are up here."  His eyes meet mine, then drop to my chest, then back again, he sighs.  "Is this what you had pictured?" I ask as I stand before him.  

"It's a little more," he presses his lips together and shakes his head in a small, quick movement. 

"May I go change?" I ask hopefully. 

"Yes, of course," he seems disappointed that his choice wasn't what he expected.  We both thank Kim as we start to leave the salon, but he puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me before we reach the door.   "Here," he takes off his vest, he holds it open for me to slip into it. 

I watch him as he comes around to adjust it over me in the front. "Thank you," I whisper. From my viewpoint, I can see Kim watching us, she's wearing an approving smile as Prince covers me before taking my hand and leading me out.

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