Shoot Them Before They Shoot You

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Light shone in Lily's eyes. A shadow moved before it.

"She's waking." The voice's owner touched her face. Their leathery palm was cool on her cheek. Someone knocked that comforting hand aside then blocked the rest of the light.

Lily groaned.

Vortrand shoved his face into hers, checking her over. When he seemed satisfied she suffered no permanent injury he withdrew and scowled at her.

"What the hell happe—"

"How are you feeling?"

A Verakian man, the someone who'd touched her cheek, cut Vortrand off. With his body he bumped the captain out of the way. The kind Verakian took no note of the captain's murderous expression and bent to test her forehead and cheeks with the back of his hand.

Vortrand cleared his throat loud enough for Reesa to hear back on the manta. "Well?" He prompted Kind Verakian.

"She's still overheated."

Like Vortrand, Kind Verakian's eyes were crimson. His features weren't as harsh. A rounded face and full lips said I'm young. The way he touched and looked at her said I won't hurt you. The scar that dragged down the left side of his face said I'm totally a mercenary.

"Think you can sit up?" A plait of glossy, black hair fell over the man's shoulder as he reached to help her. Its thick tail brushed the tops of her thighs.

Lily lay on a cushioned table far more comfortable than the recility ward's slab. On limp arms, she foisted herself upright and blinked at her surroundings.

The cushioned table she sat on shoved in the far corner of the room. Crates with HOptic locks, like the ones stowed in the manta's cargo bay, occupied most of the space. Their neat, tight packed rows resembled a wall of jumbo sized Legos. Bright white lamps attached to the ceiling. Light bounced off the shiny white walls and floor.

Vortrand and Kind Verakian were the only others in the room. A perma-scowl fixed the captain's face. Fingers danced with unspent energy as he glanced back and forth between her and Kind Verakian.

"Where are we?" Lily croaked.

"Underground." Vortrand answered before Kind Verakian's mouth came halfway open. The younger man placed a hand on her back and chimed in after the captain finished.

"You've been out nearly an ard."

"What happened to me?"

Kind Verakian placed his free hand on her knee. Vortrand stared at it like he might vaporize the appendage with the intensity of his gaze.

"Pilot fatigue, I think," the younger man said. "But your keeper here won't allow anything more than a cursory examination."

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