The shower part 2 (steve x reader)

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Summary: steve draws the reader
naked. Sexual talk and Angst ensued.

Slightly anxious, but confident I turn around away from him and slowly undress throwing off my shirt and bra to the side I move my (h/c) hair to the side covering up one of my breasts.

Hearing him zip up his pants made me smile and I unbutton mine in return pulling down my pants with my panties attached to them and kick them off. My heart aches as I feel Steve's rough calloused hand hold my shoulder turning me around to look at me his eyes never left mine to look at my body and thats what I excepted from Steve, he was such a gentleman.

"I couldn't imagine anyone better to draw" his voice was soft and gentle and he led me to the bed  to sit against the back of the head board my legs spread but he covers between my legs with his Satin sheets. He looked at me smirking, the look in his eyes was raw and I felt a warmth run over my cheeks Which naturally caused me to flush.

"Enjoying the view Cap." I say my voice nervous. Where had this nervousness come from I had drawn captain before and though as much as I admit I damn well enjoyed it I didn't get worked up and embarrassed like this. But I kept my composure

"Yes doll now all you need to do is have your arms at your sides, bite that beautiful lip of yours and look at me." He moves while he speaks and I oblige as I do exactly as he says, biting on my plush lip and having my hands to my side I watch him pull up his desk chair right in front of me; shirtless, only jeans on. His art pad in his hand and some sketching tools ready to go.


He looked focused as his eyes glanced between the page and my body, every once and in a while I would see him lick his bottom lip in focus, adjusting himself in his jeans. Totally captured in my body and in the art and In all honesty was glad to have those eyes on me.

Our eyes then met and what was reveled was pure sexual energy. He had a look of appreciation for my body as he ran his hand over his stubble that seemed to have been grown.

I sit here unmoving totally entranced at how his large firm hands held the pencil using it to his whim and for the longest time the room held silence.

"I love that look in your eyes"
His voice was rough and held promise as he spoke to me I felt my face blush once again at the words he spoke confused and curious was what I felt in that moment.

"What..?" I said unsure of his answer.

"Like you want me to fuck you"

Shock came over me and I gasp very quietly. A hot feeling came over my body and I fought it as I felt my nipples harden under the pressure. I was reacting to him exactly how he wanted me to and that caused my face to be even more red.

'He wanted to fuck me...?' I thought to myself. Me of all people and that alone made me shocked.

"I... I" I trample over my words unsure what to reply. His intense gaze still held mine as he stood up from his chair  setting his notebook aside and stands beside me I turn my head to look at him. He leans in taking in the hair that was covering over one of my breasts revealing my hard nipple.

"I want to do the same doll" he says quietly, just enough for only me and him to ever hear and just as I felt his hot breath over my lips.

I heard a knock at the door and just as the sound came the door opened and I was left like a deer in head lights over come with fear and embarrassment only to be met with tony as Steve stood close to me.

"Woah, cap" he says shocked but amused.

"The 100 year old virgin finally getting laid" he said amusement in his voice he held a grin on his face as he eyes almost caught my body completely before Steve stood in front of him my body out of view. Steve sighed and he crossed his bare arms.

"Leave stark we are kind of in the middle of something" his voice sounded frustrated and he looked back at me giving me an apologetic look and I simply looked at him and stark in shock quickly moving the sheets to cover myself.

And just as tony had came he was gone and it was just me and Steve.

"So..." he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Lets pick up where we left off" I say a hint of tease in my voice and he grinned back at me.

"Of course doll"

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