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Hello guys!!!

Happy Belated Birthday nishu ninishta15.

I know I'm very late to wish you now but that time I was so busy to write one this.

I hope you accept my small late birthday gift.

"Payal can you for once leave your sister and focus on my sister and family. My family also consists of my sister who is so broken brutally by your sister!!!" Aakash said angrily.

"Only because of your sister she is at this stage. Yesterday she tried to kill her baby as your sister said what not to her. If not for your sister and your family we wouldn't have seen this day where my di didn't come for breakfast even then she is denying to eat anything. You are worried for Khushi and is preparing food for her, then what about my sister who didn't have a proper meal from past 3 days!!"

"Thanks to your sister sadness made a permanent entry in our house where no one shed a single tear are now shedding tears of blood!!!" Aakash spat fed up with her sisterly love. For a second can't she care for others except her sister. Can't she see his sister who is in pain.

"I don't know if Shyam betrayed her or not, even in either way your sister is responsible. If shyam betrayed my sister than I'm sure your sister lured her or if he didn't betray her then your sister is putting false allegations on him. Either way my sister is the one who is suffering. And Bhai, he didn't even see the proofs and think before throwing him out if the house. I'm sure she fed false lies against Shyam!!" Aakash sighed shaking his head. He is confused and can't come to any conclusions.

"I shouldn't have gone against my Mom and married you as after our marriage many problems arose which didn't happen earlier!!"

"I think I did mistake by marrying you, I should have known that my mom won't be wrong and will think about my happiness and good fortune!!" Aakash went from there not regretting to hurt an innocent girl who was just trying to celebrate her sister's birthday discreetly not wanting to hurt others in return she was lectured.

She sighed if her mother in law sees her standing here then she will not hear the end of it. She went towards kitchen to prepare the remaining breakfast which she left in the middle.

Payal started crying in kitchen remembering Aakash's hurtful words. No one was there to console her not even her sister.

She don't get time to spend with her sister now a days after her marriage. She is so busy satisfying her mother in law who leaves no stone to taunt her. Be it in the home or in front of others. Her sister is also busy in setting her life and her business.

Aakash can't see how she slave around for his family. When she prepare something ordinary for her sister he shouts and taunts her. They are so biased.

What will Khushi say to Anjali that made her to kill her child. It's not that she is her enemy to wish something bad for her. Khushi was just concerned for her and Payal is sure Khushi insisted Anjali to eat something at least for the sake of her baby but Anjali being a Raizada misinterpreted it wrong and decided to kill her baby. What is the fault of Khushi if Anjali tried to kill her baby. Anjali isn't a small kid to be easily influenced by someone that too kill her Rajkumari which she lovingly calls her unborn.

Payal can't stand any more accusations of the family members towards her, Khushi and her family.

She has to take some step if not she will have to live a life like this where she will have to prove herself that she is innocent at every walk of life. She has to end this once and for all so that no one can accuse her of any thing when she isn't at fault.

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