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Ok, ok, ok so let's be real here, memes are god damn fricking (Christian server) fantastic. But, like with all things, there is a limit. What I mean is, when you use memes OVER and OVER to the point were.....IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE AND EVERY TIME YOU HEAR IT YOU DIE A LITTLE INSIDE!!! Yeah, and don't you hate it when people, no, not people, NORMIES, try to bring them back. Yeah, I do too, you see last year in school there was a young male homosapian who had the AUDACITY to do so, and may I just say, that this meme that he was trying to bring back was not your everyday stale meme, no no no..... THIS NI🅱️🅱️A HAD THE GUTS TO ATTEMPT TO BRING BACK NONE OTHER THAN THE STALEST MEME OF ALL TIME! JOHN FRICKING CENA!!! Yeah, you heard that right, this little nincon-poop tried to bring back, the stalest of stale. And when I heard about this lil' skid trying to bring back mother fricking John Cena, I DIED! Like at that moment I LITERALLY wanted to curl up into a ball, and cry myself to sleep, it was that bad. So ladies and gentlemen, please never use stale memes. Like, seriously, never, cause if you do you will lose all your friends, it's that bad. So don't do it.
Alright, so I feel the need to educate you lil' skids in this subject. So, I will list at least 10 stale memes to never bring back, like never EVER say them.


2: Crack head kid

3: Doge memes

4: I have Crippling depression


6: Illuminati confirmed

7: Harambe

8: 420 blaze it

9: Mountain Dew

10: Smoke weed everyday

Now these are some examples of stale memes that were never funny in the first place and should stay dead, forever. Ok kids that was all for today.

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