chapter six

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Jake in MM

Andrew: Good night.

Annie: Night.

We went back into our room closing the door. I pull him close kissing his neck softly.

Andrew: Tonight?

Michelle: Yes.

Minutes later we were under the covers getting ready to do the unthinkable just then the door bell rings.

Andrew: Holy shit who would come over at this time its raining.

Michelle: Lets both go get.

He puts on his boxers and i put my robe on following him to the front door. He opened it, it Jenna she was in tears and soaked. I pulled her in giving her a hug. Andrew sighs closing the door.

Jenna: Can i stay here for a few days? Please ...

Andrew and Michelle: yes.

Michelle: What happened?

jenna: Dad came back and he started hurting me. Michelle im scared.

Michelle: Ill find you some clothes. You can sleep in Annies room.

Andrew: Ill be in the kitchen.

Jenna: Thank you guys so much.

Andrew: Dont mention it.

He went into the kitchen while i showed her Annies room.Her room had become messier. It was a turquiose and pink colored room with pictures all over the wall. She had her laptop on the vhair. Her TV was on and she was snoring.

Michelle: This isnt it.

I opened the other door to her room and it had a bed and tv.

Jenna: Thanks.

I handed her a shirt, sweater and sweatpants.

Michelle: Get showered and we'll have some hot chocolate.

I left her alone and went into the kitchen sitting on Andrews lap.

Andrew: Hot chocolate and cinammon buns?

Michelle: Yes.

I have him a kiss hugging him tightly from behind as he started making the hot chocolate. Later on Jenna came and sat with us.

Andrew: You okay?

Jenna: Yeah.

Michelle: Well you can stay here for a while.

Andrew made the hot chocolate and cinammon buns. We ate quietly in silence. After everyone went to sleep. I put my hand on Andrews chest sleeping

Andrew: I love you

( The next morning)

I walked into Annies room the next morning waking her up. She crawled up into my ams.

Annie: Your breath smells like cinnamon buns mommny.

Michelle: Yeah we had some last night. Lets go wake up Jenna.

Annie: Jenna already left mommy.

Michelle: What do you mean? Shes suppose to be in her room.

We opened the door and she wasnt there. The clothes that she had worn were folded neatly. My heart started pounding, i then grabbed the phone calling the cops. Annie yelled for Andrew to wake up to come see.

Michelle: My cousin is missing.

Operator: Last location seen at?

Michelle: She was with me! 1219 kossuth drive . Jenna Claire Braun just please find her for me .

I hung up the phone calling her mom.

Stephanie: Whats wrong? You okay?

Michelle: She ran away.

Stephanie: Who? jenna? where? what? Michelle what !

Michelle: Jenna ran away she was with us last night and she ran away.

Days later Jenna was found dead in the sewer i was in it was all over the news. No one could believe it....this just made no sense. Jenna had always talked about being cremated. Tonight at the beach her mom had her ashes in a dark vase.

Jim: Hunny we have to let her go.....

Stephanie screamed crying as Andrew hugged her tightly trying to calm her down.

Joe: Mom dont worry.

Stephanie: She was my only girl.

Annie: At least we know shes in a better place.

She opened the vase as the ashes got into the fresh warm air. We lit a fire, i grabbed Jennas surfboard throwing it in the flames which lighted up the whole place. We all raised our surf boards up screaming " To Jenna". After the funeral we went to Olive Gardens to numb the pain away.

Annie: Whose going to be there for me?

Mom: All of us.

Michelle: Im always here for you so is Daddy and Andre. Could i please be excused from this table?

Dad: Sure.

I walked out and went to go sit by the curb. I breathed slowly....why was all of this happening? Life was tough. Lots of thing were going on but things happen for a reason. I guess Jenna couldnt hide from death. Just then Andrew came out and sat next to me.

Michelle: She was young. That couldve been me if i still lived in that tunnel. It wasnt me thanks to you...Andrew thanks for being there for me when i had noone. Thanks for being by my side when i felt alone...thanks for everything. I love y....

One night Andrew and I were laying on top of the piano in the living room. His hand up my shirt my hands in his pants.

Andrew: No disruptions.

Michelle: I hope not.

Minutes later we were under the covers naked. Hours went by as we did the unthinkable, his hot body on mine was just perfect. His lips all over my neck my finger nails digging into his skin as he went in deeper. I then start to feel his hot sperm all inside of me. After we laid down on the living room floor covering ourselves with a blanket.

Michelle: That was the best.

Andrew: It was..I love you baby.

Michelle: I love you more. I have something to tell you though.

Andrew: Sure what?

Michelle: I went to go do a DNA test on Annie and Andre and i get the results in two weeks. I just felt like i needed to tell you. did?

Michelle: yeah i have to find out alot. I took in your DNA too.

Andrew: You did what?!!??!

Michelle: Whats so bad about that? Is there a problem?

I got up putting on my robe standing up facing him.

Andrew:No...not at all. Thats fine baby.

Michelle: Yeah whatever Andrew have fun on the couch tonight.

Andrew: oh okay Michelle.

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