chapter four

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Annie in MM

Andre: Mommy my head hurts.

Michelle: Go lay down then.

Anastasia: Wheres daddy?

Michelle: In the room still sleeping.

She ran into Andrews room with her long curly hair swishing back and forth.

Andre: Mommy....

I put him in my arms as he played with his curly nappy hair, he had hair just like Andrew.

Michelle: Yes baby.

Andre: I wanna go outside.

Anastasia: Me too !

She was in Andrews arms as he kissed her pink cheeks.

Andrew: Watch out for the cars.

Anastasia: Whatever daddy.

She rolled her beautiful eyes, they then went outside playing by the street. I opened the window a little bit to see where they were playing. I then sat on Andrews lap as he kissed my neck softly.

Andrew: I wanna be with yo....

Just then i heard screeching car tires and little girls scream. Andrew and i immediately ran outside to see Andre under a Uhaul truck. I ran fast near him screaming and crying. The driver got out of the car bursting in tears apologize. Andrew then called the ambulance and cops also. My heart dropped every second as i heard him cry " Mommy please dont cry". I kneeled on the floor next to him holding his hand kissing it. Minutes later the ambulance came and got him from under the car. My mom and everyone else came following behind the ambulance. Anastasia couldnt stop crying either, Andrew held her in his arms wiping all her tears. We then got to the hospital, i ran to the nurses crying more and more.

Michelle: Can i please just see him?

Nurse: Dont worry ma'am he'll be fine just a few broken bones.

Tears filled my eyes pouring down my face quickly. Andrew tried his very best to console Anastasia and I. Hours later the doctor said we could be able to see Andre. When we went inside he was asleep. His face was red and swollen, his tiny body in a big bed. I started to cry more and more.

Michelle: Is he okay?

Mom: Michelle calm down.

Karen: He'll be fine i know it

Murse: Of course. He's just on drugs to ease the pain .

Michelle: Will he live?

Nurse: Ma'am of course. He'll be fine, hes a miracle baby though.

After the nurse leaves Andre wakes up.

Andre: Mommy? Daddy? Annie?

Anastasia: I love you . Im here okay?

She went up to him holding his hand kissing his cheek.

Michelle: Yes baby.

Andre: My head hurts.

Andrew: Take a nap. We'll be right here when you wake up.

Andre: Will i wake up to see you guys?

A tear ran down my cheek, i nodded wiping my face.

Andre: Dad will i?

Michelle: Yes, we'll be right here.

He closes his eyes and takes a nap. Andrew and Annie ( Anastasia, Annie from now on in the story) went out to go get him some presents. When they got back we all stayed over night, Annie sat on his lap and put her head on his chest falling asleep. It was silent as i stared dead at Andres monitor while Andrew watched the news. I could tell he was sad..... he never watched the news.

Michelle: Be mine?

Andrew: No.

My heart dropped a little but then he smiled.

Andrew: Michelle will you be mine.

I nodded smiling biting my bottom lip. He put Annie on the couch in the room and kissed me , not just a regular kiss a special one.

Andrew: I love you.

Michelle: I love you more.

We both stayed up all night and talked about the changes we would be making in the house.

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