Weird dream thing

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A/N: okayyy so I had this weird Dallyboy dream. Keep in mind this was wrote at 3 in the morning. For some odd reason I wanted to remember this dream so I wrote it down. I hope you enjoy it and it's cringiness (Yes I know that isn't a word) this was taken place in Pony's PoV, meaning I was seeing the dream from Pony's perspective. So without further ado, I give you my weird ass dream....

Dallas Winston, my boyfriend at the time, was working for this weird dude with a mustache and had lots of people who would do anything for him. Dallas let me sit around him while he worked on this paper. The mustache dude ended up figuring out I was there. He came in with an owl and two other men. I ran into the bathroom but then evil owl somehow opened the door. I freaked out and ran out of the house.

I found Steve working on a car. I screamed at him that someone is out to kill me. He quickly got out of the garage and began to run with me, trying to steer me into the direction of safety. He screamed something about a barn.

We ran into a barn with a combine and it's head in it said barn. I quickly hid under the head while Steve his somewhere else. I heard footsteps and someone yelling to find "the kid." I get really scared, I thought I was going to die. I didn't. They all left.  I had no clue to where Dallas was but I hope he's okay.

I finally went outside when I thought I was safe. I was swooped up by these small white and red robot things. I was being carried to god knows where. My once greased hair was all messed up. I looked over to one and they smiled at me. I guess that's a good sign?

I landed on a soft cloud. I quickly looked over, hoping for an answer to why I am here. And an answer I got, they explained that the mustache guy was there creator, which scared me, but they want to defeat him, they hate what he does. All I could do Is nod.

Then I somehow got kidnapped by the mustache guy, I took Dallas's place and worked 10x harder than any human should. I tried to escape but that led to punishment. I really do hope Dallas is safe.

I somehow actually escaped and made my way to my house, with the help of the robots. I found Dallas on the chair he was in when I left him. He saw me and hugged me and started bawling about how sorry he was. I just told him it was okay.

The mustache guy somehow knew I came home, so he came back and tried to take me away again. Dallas picked me up and started running away with me.

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