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Looking in the mirror at my newly dyed hair I couldn't help but to smile. At this moment all bad thoughts of what mother could possibly say about this decision was non existent. I felt for once I was my age, not a 15 year old girl.

"Girl ya look goooood" Karin said with a goofy tone while putting emphasis on 'ya'

I flipped my invisible 30 inch hair then did a dance with my shoulder like the comedian lil dival does "you ain't never told a lie girl!" I laughed

"You silly, honestly though sorry not sorry but I can't wait to see the look on that bitches face. Wooh that hoe might just shit a few bricks" she said while doing an evil laugh and rubbing her hands together like Stevie jay does

"I just still feel like it needs something different" she added while running her fingers through my hair

"Nigga it is different, it's a totally different color what more do you want"

"Hmm I think you should cut it."

"Aw hell no-" I grabbed my talenti ice cream before finishing responding to her dumbass statement "if you feeling like cutting so bad then cut your damn hair off"

2 hours later

"Oh. My. Jesus. Christ." I said calmly

"Oh you love it don't you? Don't you?" She said excitedly with a large smile snapped across her face

The more I looked at it the more my mouth fell open and before I knew it tears began to fall down my face

I wasn't crying because I was sad, I was crying because i felt like this was the piece I was missing

Picking up the glass of champagne I had poured already, I took it all down at once then threw my arm in the air "Oh bitch I love it" I screamed

Before I knew it we were drunk off our asses on champagne and Hennessy talking about everyone and anyone

"And did you see mahogany for her birthday ?" Karin laughed letting out a large burp at the end

"What the fuck kind of name is that" I laughed even harder

"What's her sister name, burgundy?" I added, being this drunk our jokes became staler and our laughs grew louder

"Oh girl what time is it?!" I asked anxiously looking for my phone on the couch

Finally I found my phone and it was 12:03AM  and time for me to get the hell out of here

Grabbing everything I saw that was mine I got out of there as fast as possible

"Girl what the fuck is going on" is the last thing I heard Karin's drunk voice say before I closed her apartment door







Getting out of my car I locked my car doors with the button and giggled at the noise it made yup I'm drunk I thought to myself

I tried my hardest to walk in a straight line to my house but failed miserably tripping all along the way

Stumbling into the house I locked the door behind me and tried to tip toe up the stairs to my room thinking mother was asleep but to my surprise I heard her come out of the bathroom

Immediately I remembered the change in my hair and silently cursed, I honestly didn't want to hear anything she had to say

After I got up the 6th step I thought I was in the clear but unfortunately I was not

"Lord.." I heard mother start

"Lord what did I ever do wrong?" She continued

Every damn thing I thought to myself

"Your hair... for goodness sake you look like a damn little ass boy what the hell is wrong with you Zeyana? Is it that Karin girl? Lord... it's always that damn Karin girl!" She finished

"Fuck you" I said

At that moment I was surprised I didn't feel an ounce of regret, I can't name the feeling I was feeling but I found myself loving it

"Excuse me little girl?"

I didn't bother to respond because I was sure she heard exactly what I said

"I know the hell you did not, I'm not sure if you've noticed yet but you need me bitch! If there's anything in the world you could live without it definitely would not be me! If I kicked your ass out this second you wouldn't make it a damn hour on the streets. I worked hard to get where we are today and what you will not do is disrespect me especially not in my house!"

Before I knew it words flew out of my mouth like a waterfall "Are you serious right now lady? I'm freaking twenty years old and you treat me like a damn twelve year old and I am sick of it! I'm sick of you. I'm sick of this modeling shit. Every thing! And girl fuck uou what you won't do is disrespect my friend because over the last couple of years she's shown me more love then you've ever showed me in my whole life! Your wrong and it's time for you to face it" I yelled

"No it's time for you to get out" she stated calmly

"get out? And go where?" My voice went from high to low in a matter of seconds, rather I liked it or not I don't know what I would do if I was left to fend for myself

"Oh your not grown anymore? Your voice not loud anymore? Your not tough anymore huh? You wanna be treated your age so much dont you, then get the hell out" she said once again calmly which made me even more nervous

I swallowed hard and began to walk up the stairs to my room but was stopped fast "No honey, your grown as hell aren't you? Get out leave your keys on the rack."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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