Suicide, Skittles, and Skates

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Okay, you can check out my reading lists to find out what books I have read and enjoyed, but I thought I should let you know if I find a particularly REALLY good book. Well... I JUST FINISHED A REALLY AMAZING BOOK!!!! Can't you tell I really needed to share the news with someone?

 I JUST FINISHED A REALLY AMAZING BOOK!!!! Can't you tell I really needed to share the news with someone?

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Suicide, Skittles, and Skates is by hafyouseenhaffy. First off, I loved the author's note. Yeah, that's not super important, but it did make me want to read the story even more. Second, the writing is well done. I'm not a great writer myself, but I can appreciate good writing. Honestly, bad writing (grammar issues, lack of flow, etc.) is a turn off for me when it comes to what I choose to read. (Please ignore the fact that I used the words good and bad. I know I could have done better, but I'm busy studying for finals so my priorities are elsewhere.) Lastly, and what I thought made the story as great as it was, the characters and the plot were complex. When I say complex I don't meaning so complex I'm confused. I mean there was more to it than what was on the surface. There was depth. The analogy I like to use is a pool. This was an olympic pool, not an inflatable kiddie pool. Obviously the author put a lot of time and effort into creating these characters and the storyline. It was not at all cliche, not only about romance, and there was a good message.

In conclusion, I highly suggest you read this book.

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