Eowyn, what was the thing about Aragorn that attracted you? daughter_of_Sauron

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daughter_of_Sauron: hey Eowyn......

Eowyn: *looks up from brushing the horse's mane and smiles* yes, what can I do for you?

daughter_of_Sauron: *shrugs* you could answer a quick question?

Eowyn: Sure! What can I help you with?

daughter_of_Sauron: well.......what made you find Aragorn attractive?

Eowyn: *blushes and begins walking away* I-I don't know what you're talking about!

daughter_of_Sauron: *pulls her back and sits her down* Oh c'mon pretty much everyone knows! I mean hello? You made it so obvious!

Eowyn: *smiles sheepishly* hehe oh dear lord.......

daughter_of_Sauron: *raises an eyeborw* c'mon spit it out!

Eowyn: I was quite lonely, a-a-and Aragorn was the first man I had met who seemed okay *shrugs* I guess you could call it love at first sight.....

daughter_of_Sauron: *looks at her suspiciously* You're hiding something......

Eowyn: N-No!

daughter_of_Sauron: I'll go tell faramir....... *winks*

Eowyn: *grows pale at the thought* Oh alright! My uncle told me that if I didn't marry a man soon enough he would........*sigh* take away my sword.

daughter_of_Sauron: Is that it seriously?

Eowyn: HEY! my sword means everything to me *cradles it as though it was a child*

daughter_of_Sauron: Don't you think that's a little unfair to Aragorn!?

Eowyn: *stands up* Hey, don't think that i didn't see aragorn spitting out my soup, like it was some rotten smelling meat *sassy finger snaps* My man at least loves my cooking, isn't that right Faramir?

Faramir: *laughs nervously* Uh , yeah! Darling, where may i ask do you keep the brown paper bags!? *stomach growling and a little groan escapes his lips* hehehe.......


Eowyn: *winks* maybe......

daughter_of_Sauron: *-_-*

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