Harry Styles and the Outcast Chapter 7. Spring

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Chapter 7. Spring

It was the first day of Spring.  Our weather here changes right on time too.  Today it is 55 degrees out with clear skies so I would be wearing a skirt.  I picked out a floral skirt and a one shoulder tight green top that I paired with lime green and pink polka dots.  That's what the colors of the flowers were on my skirt.  I curled my hair extra curly today and made my makeup match my mood, bright, and happy.  The only sad thing about today was that Harry wouldn't be here.  Liam went into surgery today so the boys are taking shifts to go see him.  Harry had until after my last class!! The hospital was 2 hours away!!  He wanted the longest shift because most of it was waiting for Liam to get out.  I was still in a good mood though because I was going to post a picture to twitter for him.  I would label it first day of Spring.  That's why I got up extra early today.  I headed over to the little park that is on campus.  I set my phone to take the picture in 30 seconds after I clicked it and surveyed my surroundings. 

There was a tire swing above a bunch a flowers over to the right that would be a perfect photo opp.  I set up my iPhone where it needed to go for the picture.  I clicked the button and then I ran over there.  I was laughing when I jumped on the swing and I threw my head back with a smile on my face.  I curled my legs around the rope and arched my back.  My hair flew around my head in perfect curls!

When I looked at the picture you could see the flowers all around me and you could almost hear my non-existent laughter ring through your ears.  I smiled and picked a flower out.  I put it in my ear and snapped a picture.  I put both of these pictures on twitter and labeled them SPRING XOXO :)

Less than five minutes later my phone buzzed with Harry's reply on twitter!

@ZoeyClark you look beautiful baby I wish I was there.  I will be home tonight and I am coming over. ;) <3 Harry

I smiled and replied a thank you and an okay can't wait before setting off to the cafe.  Harry would be home at 7:30 and tonight there was this little get together at the cafe where people come to sing and play music.  I decided to go and listen because I do every year but I hide in the back.

I had the song Stand Up stuck in my head and I was singing as I walked.  "I know your hearts been  broken but don't you give up-"

My voice was interrupted by Louis singing, "I'll be there yeah I know it to fix you with love." He continued I smiled.

Then I sang, "It hurts me to think that you've ever cried!!"

Louis and I both sang, "Oh oh ohh oh!"

Then I continued, "So put your hands up!"

Both of us went, "Oh oh ohh oh!"

Then Louis sang, "Cause it's a stand up! And I won't be leaving till I finish stealing every piece of your heart!"

Then Niall and Zayn came out from their dorms singing, "And I will steal us a car
And we will drive to the stars
I will give you the moon
It’s the least I can do if you give me the chance!"

Then we all finished out the song together and by the time we got done there was a crowd of 100 people around us.  The Clique not included, however.

"Zoey," Louis started, "You can really sing.  You should sing tonight at the cafe thing."

"No I haven't sang in front of people before."

"You just did. Hey people!! Do you think this girl should sing tonight!?" Louis shouted.

A bunch of people cheered and started chanting, "ZOEY, ZOEY, ZOEY!!"

I gave in and the crowd erupted in cheers!! Niall told me that he would play guitar and he would play guitar for me so I could sing Taken.

I agreed and headed off to class.  Thank god, today I had a sub so I didn't have to deal with creepy teacher all alone!! We didn't do anything in that class except talk to each other while the sub slept!!  Some people came down beside me to tell me I was amazing this morning! I really never thought of myself as a singer before but it was kind of something I dabbled in.


We were all crowded around the cafe when one of the upper classmen named Nick greeted everyone and announced that it was time to get started.  He introduced Niall and I and I went up there.  Everyone started pulling out their cell phones and my heart beat againts my chest almost bursting with nerves.  Niall gave me an encouraging look just like Louis and Zayn in the crowd.  Niall started playing and I started singing.

"Now that you can't have me..."

End of song...

"You suddenly want me..."

The crowd roared with cheers and their phones and cameras went off and everyone swarmed around me! Louis, Zayn, and Niall cleared the way for me and took me out to the back. All this time I had wondered where the Clique was.  Probably hiding in shame somewhere! I thought and then stopped thinking about them because Zayn, Niall, and Louis were congratulating me.

"You were so good!!"

"Yeah totally!"


I looked at my phone that was buzzing like crazy!! It was all over twitter and everyone was saying how great I was.  I was so happy because I have never been so loved before and now I had the whole student body loving me!! It was a great feeling!

It was really late now and I was talking to Louis when I heard a voice, "You really were great baby." I turned around to see Harry walking towards me.  I ran over and jumped into his arms and he swung me around! He lifted me up to him and kissed me. 

"How come you never told me you could sing like that?"

"I don't think I really thought I was good."

"Well that's stupid because you are amazing!!"

We went back to my dorm and watched the movie Grown Ups.

We laughed together all night enjoying each other!! It was amazing. 

At the same time we shouted, "I wanna get chocolate wasted!!" Then we bust out laughing and rolling around on each other.  Somehow Harry ended up on top of me. We stopped laughing and he stared down into my eyes. 

Then he leaned down and kissed me.  And that night we shared our love for each other... If you know what I mean! It was amazing and that night Harry told me he loved me.  I told him I loved him too and everything was great!

Maya's POV

That little bitch! She thinks she is so great because she has new clothes, hair, and Harry Styles.  Well trust me she isn't going to get away with this.  This year is flying by and Liam will be back shortly. Which means their last day here will be the dance that is in two months.  And I, being amazing as always, already have a plan! That's right and it is going to crush Zoey to the ground like a bug.  I can't wait.  But for now I am going to make her think she got the best of me. 

But she will see that is impossible.  I can almost taste the sweet chocolate taste of victory.  I can see my eyes and I feel the revenge coarsing through their waves.  Now it is time to go meet my crew and tell them my plan.  The flawless, amazing, extrodinary plan that you will have to wait two months to see!! Trust me, it'll be good.

I texted the girls to meet me in the Quad.  I got 5 simultaneous okay replies and I smiled knowing this would for sure work. 

Harry's POV

Zoey and I are so amazing together.  Everything we did tonight was perfect.  We molded with each other just like anybody should.  I love her so much and it kills me that in two months we will be leaving.  But I will spend every minute with her.  Until that very last moment...

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