Harry Styles and the Outcast Chapter 4. Revealing Me

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Chapter 4. Revealing Me

I got up the next morning with a smirk on my face.  Today was the day that Maya and her little clones would see my new look and my new clothes.  The thing is they have given me a huge ego boost and a new pair of confidence shoes!! I climbed out of bed stripped off my new pyjamas and put them in the hamper shoot that sent them to the laundry room Harry had also installed.  It took our clothes down there and washed them dried them finally sending them back to my touch screen wardrobe.

Today after showering I climbed out and dried my hair.  I curled it in big waves surrounding my face.  Then I took a bobby pin to sweep some bangs to the side.  I grabbed my makeup bag off the counter and got to work.  I did it exactly as Harry's makeup artist did it yesterday.  Finally, came my clothes.  I chose that leapord dress with the pink jacket and black high heels.  I looked in the mirror at the new me and I looked amazing! I couldn't believe it I almost started crying.  A voice behind me said, "You look beautiful Zoey."

I turned around and came face to face with bright green eyes. They had a beautiful sparkle in them that reminded me of the time my dad pointed out the first star in the night to me.  They were a green like no other.  Brighter than the lightest leaves after a rain storm.  They soaked into me filled me with joy just as his kiss did the next second.  He scooped me up in his arms.  I felt his curly hair tickle my face and he swung me around kissing my cheeks my forehead my chin my kneck.  I smiled, laughed, and twirled. 

Harry's POV

I had never seen someone so beautiful in my life.  She had a short leapord dress on her and her hair was curled and beautiful.  I snuck up behind her while she had her eyes closed and then I blurted out, "You look beautiful Zoey."

She whipped around and her beautiful grey eyes bore into mine.  They were more of a metallic silver her eyes were.  I loved them.  I wanted them to be the eyes I looked at everyday!  So that's why I kissed her.  I scooped her up like she weighed less than nothing and spun her around.  Kissing her chin, cheeks, forehead, and kneck.  She giggled and it filled my soul with the sweetest pleasure.  That's when I realized it was 9:50 so I set her down, put my arm around her, and headed out the door with her.  We walked down campus.  Zoey got some guys checking her out so I pulled her closer to me.  She enjoyed the attention she saw people gawking at her as they walked by. 

That's when we ran into Maya and her group.

"Hey Harry who's your girl fr- Zoey?!"

"Yeah Maya."

"You look different."

"Thanks I guess."

"Doesn't mean you aren't the same old loser."

"Now Maya, would a loser have Harry Styles do this?" I said leaning down to kiss Zoey on the lips long and hard.

Maya's jaw dropped and I felt proud because I hated her.  Hate was too light of a word I loather her.  She makes me livid.  All she ever does is torture Maya for being smart.   I draped my arm over her shoulder and we left a stunned Maya standing there with an unnatractive face of having her jaw dropped. I looked down at Zoey she was smiling. We walked all the way over to where our class was and walked in.  We had 20 year old Mr. Bender.  As we walked in he looked up at Zoey and then flashed her a smile.  It was a little creepy.

"Hey Ms. Clark you're looking good today." He exaggerated the good.  I immediately got angry and I don't know why we aren't even exclusive yet!  I just felt something for her I haven't ever felt for anyone else.  She was beautiful and funny.  She was a hell of a go kart driver and she was smart.  The girls I have dated in the past were all dumb. This girl was going to last and I was going to ask her to be my girl friend as soon as we got back tonight to her dorm!! I was so happy and excited and they day flew by.  I saw Niall with Maya and Zayn with one of the twins!! Louis was out for the day with his girl friend, but boy was I mad at Niall and Zayn for having no class to fall for girls who actually wanted more than sex!

I caught myself staring at Zoey as we walked back.  She was deep in thought as we walked hand in hand.  She never even noticed me staring at her until I said, "Thinking about something interesting?"

"Someone interesting more likely" She smiled back.

"Oh?" I asked, "And who would that be?"

"This guy with amazing green eyes and an amazing personality! He aslo has messy hair like he just got out of bed... But in a good way." She winked at me.

I picked her up bridal style and swung her around watching her new hair fly around her face as she giggled and laughed.  Louis walked in right then and then he snapped a picture of that with his iPhone and in less than a minute I heard beeping from Zoey's and my phones.

She and I got ours out and saw that it was all over Twitter with comments roaring to life. People loved it and said we looked adorable together. I looked over at Zoey seeing her reading that exact comment.

"They're right you know." I told here. She turned toward me and blushed smiling.

"Yeah..." She ventured.

"So I was thinking," I said tucking a strand of hair behind her face, "That we could be exclusive.  You know you could be mine and I could be yours."

She was speechless just standing there smiling.

"Harry a few days ago I thought I would never even have a boy friend.  I thought I'd die alone after college with my 30 cats and Maya would love it.  But now my heart is racing.  I feel beautiful for once in my life and it's great! I want to share that feeling with someone, and that person... Is you."

I scooped her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist.  I kissed her for 20 minutes until her legs were suddenly so weak I thought she would fall.

"Thank you for doing the honor of being mine Zoey Clark."

"No problem Harry Edward Styles." She said.

I turned her around after giving her a nice warm hug and pushed her into her room saying goodnight and closing the door. 

My phone lit up in my pocket and I reache in grabbing it out. It was her of course.

Goodnight Harry <3 It read and I smiled.

Goodnight love I texted back.

I saw through her window her change into her new nightgown looking very beautiful.  Then she was still grinning wildly as she climbed into bed and fell asleep still smiling.  I woud be here tomorrow to pick her up this time with flowers and chocolates and everything that's great..

Too bad I could'nt bring her.

Zoeys POV

Today had been amazing.  The look on Maya's face was priceless especially when Harry kissed me.  The picture of us on Twitter was amazing, and he ended with the great finale of him asking to be mine. I accepted with grace and we kissed for a long time before he sent me off to my room.  I sent him a quick text, got his reply, slipped on my night gown, and went ot bed.

Then I got a text from Maya,  It read; You know this won't last forever he will have to leave for tour sometime loser. 

I didn't bother texting back because I already knew that.  I was just praying for a miracle.

I went to bed of course dreaming of only Harry and thinking about what tomorrow would bring. 

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