The Door (Descriptive)

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The door slams shut. I can't see a thing. The room is so black that closing my eyes lends some light. All I can think about is getting out of this damp and cold room. I can feel the walls are sweating, water droplets running down them like tears. I can hear the pitter-patter of the drops as they hit the floor. What could this place be? Where am I? Why am I here? And most importantly, how do I find the door to get out? I can hear sounds coming from all directions. Before me, behind me, to the left, to the right. Running the length of the room I realize it is not so big. Three of the four walls down. The door must be on the only one left. Still I can hear sounds from all around. As I near where I know the door must be the sounds get louder and become chaos. I find the door knob, finally, and grip it tight. Slowly I trun it and the door cracks open. Sliding a little at a time, I hear cries of joy from beyond the door. I step out into the sounds and lights of reality. I'm awake. My coma is no longer. And everyone is happy to see me.

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