Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

By the time Adrianna walked into her English class, all the seats were taken except for one at the back of the classroom. Needless to say, a certain boy with black hair and blue eyes occupied the desk next to it. As she made her way to the vacant table, she could feel his searing gaze on her. The intensity of it made her heart thunder and skin prickle with goose bumps. She tried to wipe her clammy hands onto her jeans in an attempt to get rid of the sudden chill she experienced.

When Adrianna took her seat, the teacher—Miss. Charmane— began the class by talking about the novel they had recently finished reading and the essay they were going to do on it. Lucky for her, she already read the book in her last school which meant she had less catching up to do. As the teacher started to quiz the students on the novel, curiosity over took her and she took at quick peek at the boy next to her.

For once he wasn’t looking at her, but rather at Miss. Charmane. While his body was seated in a laidback manner, he had a pensive expression on his face that revealed little to no emotion. Yet despite his casual body language, she found his presence to be overwhelming and impossible to ignore.

Adrianna bit the bottom of her lips while she continued to study him. She loved a good challenge when it came to reading peoples’ emotions and finding out what made them tick, but truth be told, the mysterious boy had her stumped. No matter how hard she tried to analyze him based on the methods her mom taught her, she just couldn’t figure him out. It was almost as if he had built a wall around himself that allowed no one to see past his cool exterior. There were very few people she had seen or met that showed these specific characteristics. They were either smart psychopaths or extremely damaged and tortured individuals.  And from what she had noticed about him so far, he was probably both.

“Like what you see Spencer?”

Adrianna nearly jumped out of her seat at the sound of the low quiet voice. She closed her eyes firmly and tried to catch her breath before glancing back to the boy next to her. Although he was still watching the teacher at the front of the classroom, it was clear that he had caught her staring at him. The edge of his lips was tilted slightly upwards into a smirk, but when he turned to look at her, his eyes held no warmth in them.

She shivered when her eyes met the endless sea of blue that threatened to drown her in its wake. It was intrusive, brash and unrelenting. She struggled to break away from his gaze, but it was almost painful to look away. And in those few seconds were she tried to resurface from the tides, she became hopelessly lost in the depths of his dark mesmerizing eyes.

When he finally turned his attention back to the lesson, the trance broke and she was able to catch her breath. After she was able to calm down, a thought came to her mind that made her immediately frown. “Wait how do you know my last name?” she demanded accusingly.

“I have my resources,” he replied without turning to look at her.

Her eyebrows pulled together in frustration and she scowled at his vague answer. She was right about him. Not only was he a tortured psychopath, but he was also a stalker. Those were the worst kinds of people out there. As a daughter of a district attorney, she experienced firsthand on what it’s like to be stalked by one of them. She should start talking to her mom about getting a restraining order for him. The last thing she needs right now is to stress out about some crazy guy like him.

With that thought in mind, Adrianna turned her attention back to the exasperated teacher who was trying to get students to answer with critical thought to the novel they read.

“Can anyone tell me some better themes for Lord of the Flies?”

When none of the students put their hands up, Adrianna decided to go for a shot. “Well I think the novel focuses a lot on the theme of human nature, innocence and the dehumanization of relationships. It showed that when the moral standards in society are removed from an individual’s environment, he or she will tend to revert back to a state of cruelty and primitive nature. By the end of the novel, many of the boys’ lost their innocence when they became driven by their animalistic instinct to kill and torture others,” she explained before pausing with a small frown. “Simon was one of the few characters that were very naive, and unfortunately this trait cost him his life.”

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