So He is Victor

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"You fucking dumb-ass." In the door way was someone I hadn't seen before, was this Victor? He was tall, with powerful broad shoulders. His hair was short and dark and his eyes fierce. He walked over Tim and towards me. His eyes softened, but I tried to cower away as he approached. "It's okay, you don't need to be afraid of me." Behind him someone helped Timothy up, and put one of his arms behind his back, similar to a cop arresting someone. "I'm Victor, Claria, please, I am so sorry for how this worked out. It's not supposed to be like this." He untied my hands and legs, I noticed someone I didn't recognize standing in the doorway.

Victor sat on the bed next to me, "Can you please show me the wounds?" his voice was much softer than I expected. I hesitated, but pulled my shirt up to show him the 9 cuts; one still bleeding. "I am so sorry he did this to you." He rubbed his face stroking his nonexistent facial hair. "I am gonna need you to tell me everything though, I know it'll be hard, but I need you to tell me." He put his arm around me, embracing me in an awkward side hug.

I felt like I was in therapy, he was a bad guy too, right? "He came into the room, with the door locked, what do you think happened?"

"I need you to tell me, it's important, our justice may not be the most conventional, but just like in a court with a real jury I need more than just that for proper punishment." I have to relive it?

"He came in and held a knife to my throat..."

"And when he was done he cut you right there? Each time and not at any other point?"


"So he came in 9 times from Thursday to today?"

"Yes" somehow I had managed to tell him everything without crying.

"Thank you, Callie will be in here in a little to take you up to the other bathroom where you can shower and change okay?"

I nodded my head slowly, how many people are here?

After he left a girl about 25 came in with a change of cloths and a towel for me," Hi Claria, I'm Callie. Wanna follow me so you can shower and change?"

"Sure" I walked slowly behind her, when I walked out the door I was out in what felt like a basement living room, it was comfy, but cold. I followed her up a flight of stairs, at the top was the kitchen, it was massive and beautiful, like something you would see in a magazine. It was getting dark out, I could see we were in the country, fear washed over me as I realized I had no idea where I was and from the look of it we were a long way from any civilization. I saw another set of stairs and a lot of halls and rooms another living room. The place was big and cozy. Well put together, it didn't make sense this doesn't seem like the place of a kidnapper. I'd imagine it would be messy and dark, but this felt like a home.

"I know it all seems a bit overwhelming, but everyone is really nice. We aren't all like Timothy, he is just bitter because when Lincoln died he left Victor in charge and not him. Drama, drama." She turned at me with her hand on a door, which I assume is the bathroom. "You have no idea how bad we all feel about this. Tim was out of line and he never should have done that to you. He is having a, well a hearing, I guess, tonight and we will all collectively decide what to do with him, you will have to be there. We'll also help you get settled in another room so you can feel more at home."

"Thank you." why did that come out? Thanks for ripping me away from the life I had putting me in the situation to be raped repeatedly, and tied to a bed for 2 days, but hey thanks.

"Things will get better I promise, I was you once almost 10 years ago, I was terrified, but now I am so thankful that they brought me here." she looked away and opened the door to the bathroom, "Here take this, there is shampoo conditioner, all that stuff."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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