And This is Where it gets Bad

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"Lock all the doors, make sure the windows are locked and the curtains are closed, I will be back in the morning, make sure that you bring the spare key inside, and just leave the door unlocked when you leave in the morning, I'l be back not long after you leave." Allen was packing his bags leaving for an over night trip to the next town.  

"I know Allen, don't worry I've been home alone before."

"No wild parties."

"We both know I don't have any friends." 

"Oh right. Well behave yourself." 

"I will, I always do, I love you, drive safe."

"Okay call if you need anything, I love you."  as he pulled out of the drive way I waved before going inside. We lived outside of town 10 miles and our closest neighbor was 3 miles away, but Allen always made sure everything was locked up.  Not because we feared strangers, but because we feared our parents coming to the house again. In the first year I was with Allen they came at least once a week, broke windows, kicked in the doors beat the crap out of me, but it all calmed down and we became a lot more cautious.  Allen was 6 years older than me, he was still just a kid, but he was taking the role of a parent and doing a good job of it too.  

I sat inside the lonely house staring out the window, admiring the sunset. The valley was beautiful this time of year, the days were warm, the nights cold, and everything was just starting to come back to life. As the valley grew dark I went from window to window, making sure everything was locked and covered, then to both of the doors.   I checked under the rock for the spare key, but it was gone.  I often forgot to bring it in, so Allen must have grabbed it. I looked for a little, but assumed it was gone.  I locked the doors and decided I would call Allen when I thought that he would be out of his meeting.  The house was boring when I was alone.  I quietly worked on homework for a few hours.  

8:30 He should be available now.  I dialed the number and waited. it rang twice and he answered. "Hey what's up?"

"Just wondering how the meeting went?"

"It was good, I am about to go to dinner with a few people, higher ups, putting on my business persona you know?"

"We'll that's good, hey did you take the key?"

"The spare? No."

"Oh, that's strange I didn't see it out there, maybe we just forgot to put it back?"

"Maybe, hey I gotta go, I'll call you after dinner okay?"

"Okay I'll talk to you later."

The idea that the key was missing was a little unsettling. But I brushed it off. After putting the phone down I went to the box inside where we normally put the key, nothing.  It's just gone? I bet Allen used it at some point and just forgot to put it back. 

I laid in bed for about an hour and a half then the phone rang. I walked down the stairs slowly, I was more tired than I had realized. As I walked passed the front door I felt a cold breeze. It was cracked open.  I looked around quickly. I rush to the phone. Just before I could reaach it there is an arm around my waist and hand on my mouth.  I try to scream but the noise is muffled, it wouldn't do anything anyways, like I said, no one for miles. The phone continued to ring for another moment then stopped making the air still.  I instantly tried to free myself shaking and squirming, but it did nothing.  Then another man walked in front of me.  "He was right about this one." looking me up and down.

"Yeah, let's get going." the man holding me whined. 

"No, no, if we got to do the heavy lifting then I get a little something out of it." He stepped closer to me brushing a knife against my cheek. 

"You know that Victor doesn't want that, you know he'll be mad." The knife trailed down to my chest. 

"Right, I know, just a pity," he lingered at my chest. He came in close and whispered in my ear, "Don't think I'm scared to use this on you." There was  a fast movement and then nothing. I woke up and my head was pounding, I was in bed, but then I realized that I wasn't in my bed, then I realized I couldn't move. My hands and legs were tied down.  I was stretched out.  The room was dark, except for a clock next to the bed.  It was just after 1 in the morning. I laid in silence trying to recall the events that led to this moment, I looked up and all I could see was my pale skin and the scars covering my wrists and at the very edge of my vision I could see the rope holding me still. 

Does Allen know I'm gone yet? Probably not, he'll just assume that I was a sleep when he called, and in the morning he'll think I left for school, until they call.  Would screaming help me right now? I assume they aren't dumb enough to have me somewhere I can be heard, but it couldn't hurt. Just as I was about to scream the door cracked open and the room filled with light. They had turned the light on. It was a kid a couple years younger than me. 

"Hi, my name is Jamy." He had a bowl in his hand. He seemed really little and innocent despite the small age gap.  "I brought you something to eat."

"Umm." What do you say in a situation like this?

"Do you want to eat?" I was hungry, but I didn't want to accept food.

"No, I'm fine, what the hell is going on here?" My voice was harsh against his small fragile voice.

"I can't explain... we're waiting till Victor comes back.  It will be about 3 days, then he'll explain everything I promise." How could someone so sweet and innocent be caught in this? What part does he play? And who is this Victor they keep talking about?

"I want to leave? I want to know what the hell this is all about."

"I'm sorry..." he shied away and walked out leaving the light on.  As I started to look around I noticed I wasn't in some dirty basement or anything like that I was in a nice room with carpet, and wall paper, closet, a rocking chair.  It seemed like a nice room, a little small, but nice.  What the hell is this?

I put my head back and after a while I wished that Jamy could come back, I was terrified and bored, he was someone to talk to and he seemed none threatening. The door opened slowly, I was hoping it was Jamy coming to offer me food again, my stomach was growling, but it wasn't.  This one looked familiar.  It was the guy who held a knife to me earlier. A statement I never thought that I would use to describe how I knew someone.  I did my best to move away from him; however, my movement was limited.  "I see you got some sleep, Jamy said you wouldn't eat?" his voice was not fragile, he didn't seem innocent.   He shut the door quietly and locked it.  As he got closer I saw an animal in his eyes, there was nothing reassuring about him.  

He stood above me tilting his head as he looked me up and down. "Dan isn't here to stop me now." his right hand rubbed my thigh, I opened my mouth to protest. Before anything came out his hand was over my mouth.  "shhh shhh, don't want the others to hear." In one swift movement he was on the bed, over me. 

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