We Lost Control Book 2

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We Lost Control Book 2

The author is ashley_niccole

Jessica and Talon thought that their life was finally under control. They've been in college for a year, Talon is graduating soon and Jessica is about to start her sophomore year. Everything was perfect. They even moved into an apartment together and Talon proposed!  But what happens when the past they thought they'd never see again comes back? Or more like breaks out. The same day that was suppose to be a very happy day for the couple, is the same day that they find out that the crazy Jordan Mathews breaks out of jail.  Now Talon is determined to take him down once and for all now that he's part of the law, but he's not sure what to do when he finds him. . beat him senseless or turn him in. And then their's Jessica, she's frighten by both the thought of what Talon might do to lose his job he's worked so hard for and what Jordan might do to him.  This is how Jessica and Talon go through the 'ups and downs' of their relationship and how they try to over come everything life throws in their way. 

Sequel to Lose Control 

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