Chapter 10 - Questions

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You hadn't spoken to Sherlock or John in days.

It was a week after the incident. Apparently you had passed out from the experience and Sherlock had carried you to the nearest town. John made sure that you were ok to travel and then they took you back to Baker Street.

You had been asleep the whole time, only slightly regaining consciousness as you felt the familiar material of your bed before drifting back to sleep. When you woke up you were alone.

You tried to process everything that had happened, but you were having a hard time wrapping your head around everything. Everything had happened so fast but you still knew what went down. It was why it all felt so......familiar......that made everything so hard to stomach.

"Do you really not remember?"

The mans words echoed in your head as you got up out of bed. Remember what? There was nothing to remember. They had to have gotten the wrong person.

But then how did you know the building and the area like the back of your hand? It was like you had walked those halls millions of times before. Like you had been there before. But that was impossible. It had to be impossible.

A knock on the door drew you out of your thoughts and back into reality. You shuffled over to the door and cracked it open. Nobody was there.

"Hello?" you called out.

You looked around and saw nobody. You were about to close the door when you looked down to the floor. An average sized white box looked back at you. It had a black ribbon tying it together with a black name card to match. As you bent down lower and ran your hand over it you saw it had your name written in white ink on it.

A cold shiver went down your spine but you picked it up anyways. You took one last look around before bringing the box back into your flat. Placing it on the counter, you decided to get ready before opening it. You had work later that day so you didn't have a lot of time to loose.

You got into your work clothes and did your morning routine, all the while the mysterious box sitting in your kitchen taunted you. When you finally finished you decided to open it.

You grabbed the box and moved it onto your kitchen table. You untied the ribbon and stuff it fall into the table. Your heart was racing as you grabbed the lid of the box. There could be anything in that box, but curiosity often got the better of you. You lifted the lid off and put it down on the table.

You screamed, backing up and falling onto the floor, pushing yourself away from the table until you hit the wall. You heard the door being knocked open and before you knew it, Sherlock was in your flat, kneeling in front of you and checking for wounds.

"Y/n! Y/n whats wrong!?!" he said over your screaming and crying.

You lifted your shaking arm and pointed at the box that was still sitting on your table. Sherlock turned and followed your gaze until he saw the box. He got up and went over to it. Reaching inside, he pulled out a single red rose, dripping in blood.

It was a sign. A sign you knew all too well.


Wow it's been a while hasn't it. I'm very sorry for taking so long to update, but I've been going through a lot of personal thing and it gave me some writers block. I promise to try and update regularly but if I don't then I deeply apologize. Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's s big shooter just because it opens up the story to really shoot off. Things are about to get crazy. I hope you're ready.

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