Chapter Seven: Rainy Days

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Now, some of you might be wondering why I wrote the last chapter title as The Interview. I named it that way because Sherlock and you were almost like interviewing each other. It's supposed to be a metaphor so like I figured I'd clear that up. This chapter is kind of a filler chapter because I'm having some writers block on the chapter I wanted to publish. So while I figure that one out I wrote this for you guys! I hope you enjoy it!


You woke up to the sounds of rain hitting the window and the building. You sighed a breath of relief. The rain had always calmed you down and it was one of your favorite types of weather. Most Londoners seemed to hate it, seeing it as an inconvenience, but you didn't mind it at all.

You decided to just lay there for a few minutes and just listen to the pattering sounds echoing throughout the flat. It was probably the most calm you had been in a while. 221B was turning out to be an amazing place to stay.

You got up after a moment more and got dressed. You threw on an oversized forest green sweater, black leggings, and black sneakers. One of your favorite rainy day outfits.

You grabbed your umbrella and began leaving. You always went out to the park when it was raining and it had become somewhat of a tradition. It was nice because there was less people out and it allowed you to enjoy being outside without the constant social anxiety.

Just as you were leaving you heard someone call your name. You turned around and saw John running down the stairs after you.

"Hi John," you greeted him.

"Y/n," he said, closing the door behind him before continuing,"What are you doing going out on a day like this?"

"Oh. I-I like the rain," you answered.

John smiled in response.

"Want to share a cab? I'm going to work and I could use the company," he offered.

"Sure. Why not," you said.

John hailed a cab for the two of you and you both climbed in. The park was only a few blocks away from John's work so it ended up working out.

"So," John started as the cab pulled away from the curb,"How are you liking it here?"

"I-It's amazing. So far at least," you said, laughing a bit at the end.

John joined in with a laugh of his own as well and then you continued on with your conversation. The whole ride to his work was filed with idle chatter about life and such. It surprised you how calm you were. You didn't know if it was the rain, John, or some entity from above, but you didn't care really. It just felt nice to have a normal conversation with someone.

"Alright we'll have fun at the park. Stay safe!" John told you before paying the cabbie,getting out of the cab, and heading inside.

You closed the door and the cab took off again, stopping not soon after at the park. You paid the cabbie and got out. As you walked around you couldn't help but smile. The park was almost completely empty save for a few people here and there. The rain always seemed to draw out the rain lovers. You stayed in the park for an hour just walking around and enjoying the rain and the beautiful scenery before deciding to walk home.

When you were on the way home you saw a commotion happening up ahead of you. There was lots of yelling and then someone was being shoved outside and onto the road. You were startled, stopping in your tracks, before recognizing the person.

"S-Sherlock?" you asked.

Sherlock turned towards you.

"Oh, hello y/n," was all he said.

You walked towards him and looked him up and down. He seemed a bit roughed up, probably from being thrown out, and he was beginning to get wet since he didn't have an umbrella.

You held out your hand with the umbrella in it. Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"I have no use for that," he insisted, even though the water was beginning to soak into his coat.

"It would make me feel better if you would take it," you said before adding,"P-Please."

He hesitated before finally taking the umbrella from your hand. You smiled at him and while he didn't smile back, you could feel that he was less tense than before.

"Are you going back to the flat?" you asked him.

"I suppose I have no choice. The owner of this store wouldn't lend me his meat knife so I might as well," he decided.

You scrunched your face up and turned to him incredulously.

"Why did you need a meat knife?" you questioned him.

"An experiment," he answered you, looking past you at the cars driving by.

"O-ok........So, are we walking or taking a cab?" you asked.

"Walking. I need to get my thoughts in order. I'm going to be silent for the whole way back," he stated before taking off walking.

You hurried after him and followed him back to 221B. The silence wasn't uncomfortable and was instead very relaxing. You just watched the cars driving by and let Sherlock think. You could have sworn you saw him looking at you out of the corner of your eye, but every time you looked he was facing forward. When you got to the flat, the rain was starting to come down harder than before.

"Looks like this one might be long," you commented as Sherlock opened the door.

Sherlock hummed in response. You both stepped inside and Sherlock shook out your umbrella before handing it back to you.

"Thanks," you said with a small smile.

Sherlock said nothing. You were beginning to worry that you had offended him. Normally people would respond with actual words.

"Ummmm did I......did I o-" you started.

"No," he said, cutting you off,"You didn't offend me. That's a stupid thing to ask."

You were a bit taken aback by his words but they seemed to have actually offended him now. You weren't really sure what to do except apologize.

"I-I'm sorry."

"You people always are," Sherlock sneered before hurrying away upstairs.

You stood there alone for a few minutes trying to understand what had caused the sudden change in mood. Just a few seconds ago you had been walking peacefully down the street together and then that all happened.

Somehow it had to be your fault.

You walked into your own flat, anxiety pumping through your veins, and you plopped down onto the couch. It had to be your fault. It was always your fault. What did you do?

You didn't know, but thinking about this one time it had happened brought back all the memories of past times it had happened. It didn't take long until you were breaking down in tears.

The rain wasn't so calming anymore.

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